Digestive System Flashcards
The oral cavity;
a) is lined by stratified squamous epithelium
b) filiform papillae are covered by keratinized squamous epithelium
c) the external aspect of the lip is covered by thin skin
d) the internal aspect of the lip is covered by stratified squamous epithelium
The tongue:
a) is formed of striated muscle
b) is covered by a mucous membrane
c) the structure of mucous membrane varies according to the region
d) the mucous membrane is strongly adherent to the muscle
The tongue:
a) dorsal surface is covered by papillae
b) filiform papillae are numerous
c) fungiform papillae are dispersed among the filiform papillae
d) circumvallatae papillae are distributed in the V region in the posterior part of
The oral cavity:
a) the soft palate is covered with keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
b) most of the taste buds are located on the dorsal surface of the tongue
c) minor salivary glands are found in the connective tissue underlying the epithe-
d) enzymes present in saliva initiate digestion
a) in adult humans, there normally 30 permanent teeth
b) there are 20 teeth in the deciduous (milk) dentition
c) the crown is covered by extremely hard enamel
d) dentin surrounds the pulp cavity
a) dentin persists long after destruction of the odontoblasts
b) the pulp is highly innervated
c) dentin is a calcified tissue harder than bone
d) dentin is not compoused of type I collagen fibers
a) dentin is sensitive to several stimuli, such as heat, cold, trauma, acidic pH
b) the organic matrix of dentin is produced by odontoblasts
c) the odontoblasts have the apical processes – Tomes’fibers
d) enamel is the hardest component of the human body
a) the organic matrix of enamel is compoused of collagen fibers
b) pulp is a highly innervated and vascularized tissue
c) pulp nerve fibers are sensitive to pain
d) enamel is produced by cells of ectodermal origin
a) cementum covers the dentin of the root
b) cementum is similar in composition to bone
c) cementocytes are in the apical region of the root
d) collagen of the periodontal ligament has a high turnover rate
a) enamel consists of elongated rods or columns – enamel prisms
b) enamel matrix is composed of proteins called amelogenins and enamelins
c) ameloblasts are enamel -secreting cells
d) odontoblasts are not predentin-secreting cells
a) esophageal glands are serous
b) esophageal glands are mucous
c) only the portion of the esophagus in peritoneal cavity is covered by serosa
d) the esophagus is lined by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
a) is a mixed exocrine-endocrine organ
b) the lining epithelium is a simple columnar
c) each gastric gland has the isthmus, neck, and base
d) oxyntic parietal cells are eosinophilic
a) parietal cells of gastric glands secrete hydrochloric acid
b) parietal cells are eosinophilic
c) chief cells are basophilic
d) chief cells are eosinophilic
a) tubular pyloric glands secrete mucus
b) mucous neck cells are present in the neck of gastric glands
c) tubular cardiac glands are mucous
d) enteroendocrine cells are not present in gastric glands
Small intestine:
a) consists of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum
b) between the villi, there are openings of glands of Lieberkühn
c) goblet cells produce acid glycoproteins of the mucin type
d) enterocytes are absorptive cells
a) Brunner’s glands are serous
b) duodenal glands are mixed
c) Brunner’s duodenal glands are mucous
d) Paneth’s cells are exocrine
a) its general structure is similar to that of the large intestine
b) has taeniae coli
c) has abundant lymphoid follicles
d) has numerous goblet cells
Large intestine:
a) has long intestinal glands (crypts)
b) villi are present here
c) possesses abundant goblet cells
d) lymphoid tissue (GALT) is present also in submucosa
Parotid gland:
a) is a branched acinar gland
b) is exclusively serous gland
c) is a mixed gland
d) posses adipose tissue
Sublingual gland:
a) is a branched tuboacinar gland
b) is formed of mucous and serous cells
c) serous cells are present on demilunes of mucous tubules
d) mucous cells predominate in this gland
a) is a mixed exocrine and endocrine gland
b) the hormons are synthesized in islets of Langerhans
c) the exocrine portion of the pancreas is a serous acinar gland
d) there are no striated ducts
a) is the largest gland of the body
b) the hepatocytes in the liver lobules are radially disposed
c) bile is synthesized by the hepatocytes
d) the sinusoids contain macrophages
a) the hepatocyte frequently contain glycogen
b) liver glycogen is a depot for glucose
c) Kupffer cells are found in sinusoids
d) collagen III reticular fibers are present in liver lobule
a) The bile canaliculi are limited only by two hepatocytes
b) the surface of hepatocyte contains many microvilli
c) the hepatocyte has an abundant endoplasmic reticulum
d) both smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum are present in hepatocyte
Biliary tract gall bladder:
a) the biliary ducts and gall bladder are lined with simple columnar epithelium
b) the mucosa of gall bladder possesses abundant folds
c) the main function of gall bladder is to store and concentrate the bile
d) contraction of the smooth muscle of the gall bladder is induced by cholecysto-
The lip:
a) has skin on its outer surface
b) has labial mucosa on its inner surface
c) the lips have striated muscles in their core
d) the skin contains sweat and sebaceous glands
The soft palate:
a) the nasal surface is lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
b) the oral surface is lined by non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
c) in the respiratory mucosa there are numerous goblet cells
d) beneath the respiratory epithelium there is submucosa containing mixed glands
a) the sulcus terminalis divides the tongue into an anterior and a posterior portions
b) the anterior dorsum of tongue is covered with numerous papillae
c) the posterior one-third of the tongue is penetrated by lymphatic nodules
d) the tongue has important sensory functions
a) the glands of the tongue are endocrine glands
b) the glands are mostly mixed glands
c) the body of tongue is a mass of striated muscle covered by a mucous membrane
d) the mucous membrane is not smooth on the lower ventral surface
a) papillae are elevations of the oral epithelium and lamina propria
b) filiform papillae have an elongated conical shape
c) filiform papillae are the most numerous
d) epithelium of the filiform papillae is keratinized
a) circumvallate papillae are distributed in the V region
b) serous von Ebner’s glands drain their contents into the groove of circumvallate
c) the taste buds are located in the walls of circumvallate papillae
d) fungiform papillae are interspaced among the filiform papillae
a) enamel is not the most highly calcified tissue of the body
b) enamel consists of hexagonal rods or prism
c) free surface of the enamel is covered by thin Nasmyth’ s membrane
d) crossing of groups of prisms appear as the Hunter-Schreger lines
Crypts are present:
a) in the lingual tonsil
b) in the palatine tonsils
c) in the soft palate
d) in the pharyngeal tonsil
Parotid gland:
a) is not a branched acinar gland
b) is composed of serous cells
c) serous cells contain secretory granules
d) intercalated and striated ducts are observed
Sublingual gland:
a) is a branched tubuloacinar gland
b) is formed of serous and mucous cells
c) mucous cells predominate in this gland
d) serous cells are not present on demilunes of mucous tubules
a) in the adult human, there are normally 32 permanent teeth
b) the crown is covered by cementum
c) dentin is composed of type I collagen fibers
d) dentin surrounds the pulp cavity
a) the organic enamel matrix is composed of proteins called amelogenins and ena-
b) each tooth consists of three different hard tissues: dentin, enamel, cementum
c) the ameloblasts degenerate during tooth eruption
d) enamel is the most highly calcified tissue of the body 95% of hydroxyapatite
a) consists of millions of hexagonal rods or prisms
b) the bends of the rods in neighbouring zones cross one another
c) the crossing of groups of prisms appears as light and dark lines – the Hunter-
Schreger lines
d) lines of Retzius represent the former outline of the enamel at succeeding stages
of its formation
a) forms the bulk of the tooth substance
b) gives the basic shape to each tooth
c) dentin is less hard than enamel
d) dentin is not harder than bone or cementum
a) the dentinal tubules are penetrated by Tomes’ fibres
b) the calcifying inorganic element of dentin appears as globules (calcospherites)
c) odontoblasts are not situated on the surface of the pulp
d) the odontoblastic process extends through the unmineralized dentin before it
enters into mineralized dentin
a) covers the dentin of the root
b) is not thicker in the apical region of the root
c) the cellular cementum is found at the apical region
d) acellular (primary) cementum is without cementocytes
The pulp of the tooth:
a) occupies the central cavity of each tooth
b) consists of loose connective tissue
c) on its surface is a layer of highly differentiated odontoblasts
d) contains fibroblasts, macrophages, and undifferentiated cells
Periodontal membrane:
a) collagenous fibres are arranged in bundles
b) collagenous fibre can be divided into groups according their arrangement and
c) oblique fibres are not the most common
d) gingival fibres run from the neck into the overlying gum
a) are columnar cells with an oval nucleus in the basal part of the cell
b) in odontoblasts there are cistern of granular endoplasmic reticulum, and free
c) there is a cell-free basal layer of Weil located beneath the odontoblasts
d) the odontoblasts produce predentin
Alveolar bone and gingiva:
a) alveolar bone is part of facial skeleton of upper and lower jaws
b) this bone is in inmediate contact with the periodontal membrane
c) the epithelial attachment (gingivodental junction) represents the union of the
mouth epithelium with the enamel
d) the gingival crevice is a deepening between the enamel and the epithelium of