Male Reproductive System Flashcards
Identify the incorrect statement:
a) corpora amylacea are a characteristic feature of the seminal vesicles
b) the testis are surrounded by a thick connective tissue capsule, the tunica albuginea
c) fructose, which is part of the secretion of the seminal vesicles, provides energy for the ejaculated spermatozoa
d) the seminiferous epithelium consists of spermatogenic cells and Sertoli cells
Identify the incorrect statement:
a) the Leydig cells are placed in interstitium of testes
b) by the first meiotic division B-spermatogonia give rise to primary spermatocytes
c) the maturation of spermatids into spermatozoa is called spermiogenesis
d) the ducts which form the rete testis connect the tubuli recti with the ductuli
Identify the correct statements:
a) corpora amylacea are a characteristic feature of the prostate
b) testosterone produced by the male accessory reproductive glands (seminal vesicle and prostate) which causes the development of the masculine extragenital sex characteristics
c) the seminiferous epithelium consists of spermatogenic cells and Sertoli cells
d) “spermiogenesis” and “spermatogenesis” are synonymous terms
The Leydig cells:
a) are located in the interstitium of testes
b) are located in the interstitium of prostate
c) are located inside of the seminiferous tubules
d) produce testosteron
The rete testis:
a) is lined by the simple squamous or cuboidal epithelium
b) is a highly anastomotic network of channels
c) is lined by the pseudostratified epithelium
d) is part of the epididymis
The prostate:
a) is formed by tubuloalveolar glands
b) is formed by eccrine glands
c) are smooth muscle cells in the interstitium
d) is covered by capsule
Alveoli of prostatic glands are lined by:
a) transitional epithelium
b) simple cuboidal epithelium
c) stratified columnar epithelium
d) pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
The male reproductive system is composed of:
a) the testes
b) genital ducts
c) accessory glands
d) penis
Testosterone is the hormone produced:
a) in the testes
b) in the prostate
c) by Sertoli cells
d) in the epididymis
Cells inside seminiferous tubules:
a) are male reproductive cells
b) are the spermatozoa
c) produce testicular androgens
d) produce estrogenes
a) is the basic structural feature is the head
b) is the basic structural feature is the body
c) contains acrosome
d) contains mitochondria that are placed in the head
A primitive germ cell:
a) is the spermatogonium
b) contains 23 chromosomes
c) is situated next to the basal lamina of the epithelium
d) is also called primary spermatocyte
Type B spermatogonia are progenitor cells that will differentiate into:
a) type A spermatogonia
b) primary spermatocytes
c) secondary spermatocytes
d) the spermatids
The first meiotic division arise from:
a) cells which quickly enter into the second meiotic division
b) primary spermatocytes
c) cells with 46 chromosomes
d) secondary spermatocytes
The spermatids:
a) arise from secondary spermatocyte
b) have 23 chromosomes
c) arise after second meiotic division
d) are primitive germ cells
a) begins with diploid secondary spermatocytes and results in haploid spermatids
b) is when the spermatids are transformed into spermatozoa
c) is a complex process that includes formation of primary spermatocytes
d) is the final stage of production of spermatozoids
Spermiogenesis is a complex process that includes:
a) formation of the acrosome
b) condensation and elongation of the nucleus
c) development of the flagellum
d) loss of much of the cytoplasm
a) during the final maturation phase, some part of the cytoplasm of each sperma-
tozoon is lost as a residual body
b) is a complex process that includes formation of the acrosome
c) has a nuclear phase
d) has a golgi phase
The acrosome:
a) contains several hydrolytic enzymes
b) is formed during the acrosomal phase
c) covers the anterior half of the condensing nucleus
d) is a necessary structure during fertilization
Movement of the flagellum is a result of the interaction among:
a) dynein
b) microtubules
c) myocytes
d) adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Testicular fluid:
a) contains steroids
b) is produced by the Sertoli cells
c) contains androgen-binding protein
d) contains testosterone
The Sertoli cells:
a) their bases adhere to the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubule
b) their apical ends frequently extend into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule
c) have a supporting function
d) create a blood-testis barrier
The ductus deferens:
a) is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium
b) is lined with epithelium with microvilli only
c) has three muscular layers
d) contains smooth muscle that produces strong peristaltic contractions
The spermatic cord is formed by:
a) the testicular artery
b) the vesicular glands (seminal vesicles)
c) the ductus deferens
d) nerves
The prostate has:
a) a central zone
b) a transition zone
c) a peripheral zone
d) fibromuscular stroma
The components of the penis include:
a) one body of erectile tissue
b) the corpus spongiosum
c) the paired corpus cavernosum
d) the spongy urethra
a) are long, nonmotile extensions of on the surface of cells
b) are present in seminiferous tubules
c) are present in testes
d) represent a variety of microvilli
The seminal vesicles:
a) are reservoirs for spermatozoa
b) consist of two highly tortuous tubes
c) produce fructose
d) is lined with cuboidal or pseudostratified columnar epithelium rich in secretory granules
a) is the source of energy for sperm motility
b) is produced by the seminal vesicles
c) is a carbohydrate
d) is toxic for spermatozoa
The ductus epididymidis:
a) is a double highly coiled tube
b) forms the body and tail of the epididymis
c) is lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium
d) is lined with epithelium with stereocilia