Nervous System And Sense Organs Flashcards
Nerve tissue:
a) is developed from embryonic ectoderm
b) neurons have the capacity to divide by mitosis
c) only microglia has the capacity to divide by mitosis
d) peripheral nerve fibres can regenerate if their perikaryons are not destroyed
Types of neurons based on their processes:
a) pseudounipolar
b) multipolar
c) pseudobipolar
d) bipolar
Mark the correct answers about perikaryons:
a) it is a nuclear envelope
b) contains nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm exclusive of the cell processes
c) contains nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm inclusive axon
d) is is a trophic center of neuron
Mark the correct answers about neurons:
a) the most of cells have nucleus with prominent nucleolus
b) there are typical features of intense synthetic activity
c) Golgi complex is located also in cell processes
d) there is smooth endoplasmic reticulum called Nissl bodies in the perikaryon
Mark the correct answers about neurons:
a) Nissl bodies is the term for rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes
b) nerve cells can contain lipofuscin
c) there is small nucleus with processes
d) nerve cells can contain centrosomes
What is the origin of nerve tissue?
a) endodermal
b) ectodermal
c) mesodermal
d) mesenchymal
Mark the correct answers about nerve tissue:
a) initial segment can be found by unmyelinated axons
b) there is a rough endoplasmic reticulum in axoplasm
c) axonal cytoplasm possesses mitochondria
d) retrograde flow along the axon is used to study the pathways of neurons
Several types of synapses are presented in nerve tissue. Mark the correct answers:
a) axosomatic
b) axoaxonic
c) dendrodendritic
d) axodendritic
Several types of glial cells are presented in nerve tissue. Mark the correct answers:
a) ependymal cells
b) astrocytes
c) Schwann cells
d) microglia
a) are star-shaped cells
b) fibrous astrocytes are located in the white matter
c) participate in controlling the ionic environment of neurons
d) have macrophagic activity
Mark the correct answers about glial cells:
a) astrocytes participate in blood-brain barrier
b) microglia are derived from precursor cells in the bone marrow
c) ependymal cells are squamous epithelial cells
d) oligodendrocytes produce the myelin sheet
a) ne oligodendrocyte formed myelin sheet for only one axon
b) are located in central nervous system
c) have macrophagic activity
d) are star-shaped cells
Microglia cells
a) have macrophagic activity
b) form myelin sheet
c) secrete immunoregulatory cytokines
d) are the columnar epithelial cells lining the ventricles
Ependymal cells
a) are low columnar epithelial cells
b) line the ventricles of the brain
c) line the central canal of the spinal chord
d) are ciliated in some locations
Mark the correct answer:
a) Schwann cells produce myelin sheet of axons in the central nervous system
b) myelin is a whitish lipoprotein complex
c) myelin consists of many layers of modified cell membranes
d) internode consist of one Schwann cell
a) epineurium is an external fibrous coat
b) perineurium enveloped sheathed axons
c) endoneurium surrounds each bundle of nerve fibres
d) endoneurium consists of a thin layer of reticular fibres
a) motor nerves are afferent
b) Schwann cells form the sheaths of peripheral nerve fibres
c) endoneurium envelops each axon
d) each of the Schwann cells can sheathe many unmyelinated axons
Cortex of cerebellum is composed of:
a) three layers
b) pyramidal neurons
c) Purkinje cells
d) Purkinje fibres
What type of neurons are Purkinje cells?
a) bipolar
b) pseudounipolar
c) apolar
d) multipolar
Alpha-motor neurons can be found in the:
a) anterior horns of the spinal chord
b) cerebellum
c) spinal ganglia
d) posterior horns of the spinal chord
Purkinje cells can be found in the:
a) skin
b) heart
c) anterior horns of the spinal chord
d) cerebellum
Pyramid-shaped neurons can be found in the:
a) cerebellum
b) motor cortex of the brain
c) skin
d) heart
Myenteric plexus (Auerbach) can be found in the:
a) trachea
b) ureter
c) urethra
d) wall of the intestine
Mark the correct answer:
a) Meissner’s corpuscles are responsible for sensitivity to light touch
b) Pacinian corpuscles are responsible for sensitivity to vibration and pressure
c) free nerve ending detects pain
d) Ruffini corpuscle can be located within joints
Mark the correct answer:
a) olfactory cells are bipolar neurons
b) olfactory epithelium is composed of three types of cells
c) taste buds can be found in fungiform papillae
d) taste buds can be found in filiform papillae
Mark the correct answer:
a) Descemet’s membrane can be found in the iris
b) the stroma of cornea is formed of collagen bundles
c) blind spot of the retina is also called fovea centralis
d) conjunctiva is lined by stratified columnar epithelium
The corneal epithelium is:
a) stratified squamous nonkeratinized
b) simple squamous
c) simple columnar
d) stratified columnar
The retina:
a) rods and cones are polarized neurons
b) rods are thin and elongated
c) there are ganglion cells
d) anterior part is not photosensitive
In the retina can be found:
a) horizontal cells
b) amacine cells
c) apocrine cells
d) Müller cells
a) there is scala tympani within the cochlear labyrinth
b) can be divided into three spaces
c) vestibular (Reissner’s) membrane consist of one layer of cuboidal epithelium
d) stria vascularis is located in the lateral wall of the cochlear duct