Female Reproductive System Flashcards
The Graafian follicle consists of:
a) oocyte
b) follicular cells
c) zona pellucida
d) cartilage
The corpus luteum:
a) develops from the follicular cells
b) develops from the cells of theca folliculi
c) produces steroid hormones
d) influences the secretory stage of the menstrual cycle
The corpus luteum:
a) produces hormones
b) is formed by simple squamous epithelium
c) degenerates and then it is replaced by connective tissue (scar) called corpus
d) is formed by granulosa cells
The wall of uterine tube consists of:
a) mucosa
b) layer of striated muscle
c) serosa
d) two layers of smooth muscle cells
5 days before ovulation the endometrium is usually in:
a) proliferative stage
b) secretory stage
c) stage of menstrual bleeding
d) luteal stage
The vagina:
a) is under normal conditions colonized by a mutually symbiotic flora of microor-
ganisms that protect its host from disease-causing microbes
b) is lined by the stratified squamous epithelium
c) contains serous glands in the submucosal layer
d) is lined by epithelia full of goblet cells
The wall of uterus:
a) is formed by endometrium, myometrium and covered mainly by serosa
b) is lined inside by the stratified squamous epithelium
c) contains mucous glands in the endometrial layer
d) is lined by simple columnar epithelia
What is true about the epithelium of the cervix?
a) the ectocervix (more distal, by the vagina)is composed of nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
b) the endocervix (more proximal, within the uterus) is composed of simple columnar epithelium
c) the epithelium of the cervix is the same in the ecto- as well as endocervix
d) the epithelium of ectocervix is colonized by a mutually symbiotic flora of microorganisms, like the vagina
a) consists of the corona radiata and zona pellucida
b) consists of the zona fasciculata and reticularis
c) consists of the functional and basal endometrium
d) is lined by the simple columnar epithelium
a) consists of the connective tissue with the pieces of cartilage
b) consists of smooth muscle cells
c) is arranged in four regular layers known as zona glomerulosa, fasciculata, reticu-
laris and medulla
d) does not undergo any changes during the pregnancy
a) is the middle layer of the uterine wall, consisting mainly of uterine smooth muscle cells
b) contains supporting stromal and vascular tissue
c) can contract
d) contains pieces of cartilage
a) is formed by the simple columnar epithelium
b) is formed by the loose connective tissue around the uterus
c) contains lot of sero-mucous glands
d) contains the rings of hyaline cartilage
a) is the simple columnar epithelium lining the uterine cavity
b) is the layer of smooth muscle cells
c) is the endothelium lining the uterine arteries
d) is the peritoneum that is covering the fundus and ventral and dorsal aspects of the uterus
The endometrium:
a) is the innermost glandular layer of uterus
b) during the menstrual cycle grows to a thick, blood vessel-rich tissue layer
c) its thickness does not change during the menstrual cycle
d) does not contain any glandular cells
The endometrial lining:
a) remains constant during the whole cycle and the number of cells and their character does not change
b) undergoes cyclic regeneration
c) is formed by stratified cuboidal cells
d) contains no glands
The endometrium:
a) consists of a single layer of columnar epithelium resting on the stroma
b) simple tubular uterine glands which reach from the endometrial surface through to the base of the stroma
c) in a woman of reproductive age, two layers of endometrium can be distinguished – the functional and basal layer,
d) contains serous and mucous cells
The functional layer of endometrium:
a) is built up after the end of menstruation during the first part of the menstrual cycle
b) its proliferation is induced by estrogen
c) do not react on progestrone changes
d) is completely shed during menstruation
The basal layer of endometrium:
a) is adjacent to the myometrium
b) lies below the functional layer
c) is not shed at any time during the menstrual cycle
d) is the source of the functional layer of endometrium
The menstrual bleeding:
a) is caused by the decrease of progesterone levels
b) is caused by the constriction of arteries supplying blood to the functional layer
c) results from ischaemia of the cells in functional layer
d) is part of the menstrual cycle
The oviduct:
a) is lined by the simple columnar epithelium
b) allows passage of the morula to the uterus
c) contains sweat glands in its wall
d) its lumen is full of detritus under physiological conditions
The oviduct consists of:
a) the infundibulum with its associated fimbriae near the ovary
b) the ampullary region that represents the major portion of the lateral tube
c) the isthmus
d) the interstitial (also intramural) part that transverses the uterine musculature
In the lining of oviduct:
a) the cells are tall and form the simple columnar epithelium
b) there are some ciliated cells
c) there are some glandular cells which contain apical granules and produce the tubular fluid
d) there are squamous cells arranged in multiple layers
The ovary:
a) is lined by the ovarian surface epithelium (germinal epithelium)
b) is formed by cortex and medulla
c) can contain the follicles in the cortex
d) is lined by the endothelium
The cortex of the ovary:
a) is lined by stratified squamous epithelium
b) is lined by the tunica albuginea
c) consists of ovarian follicles and stroma in between them
d) contains hyaline cartilage
The zona pellucida:
a) is formed by cells
b) is a glycoprotein membrane surrounding the plasma membrane of an oocyte
c) occurs on the surface of ovary
d) is covered by cartilage
The corona radiata that surrounds an oocyte:
a) consists of two or three layers of follicular cells
b) supplies vital proteins to the oocyte
c) is lost gradually during the postfertilization development
d) is under normal conditions full of lymphocytes
The menstrual cycle:
a) is under the control of the endocrine system
b) is necessary for reproduction
c) lasts the whole life from birth to death
d) can be influenced also by stress and nutrition
The follicular phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by:
a) increasing levels of estrogen
b) the thickening of the uterine lining
c) maturation of the ovarian follicles
d) the implantation of the embryo
During ovulation:
a) the whole follicle is released from the ovary surrounded by granulosa cells
b) 24–36 hours after the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surges, the dominant follicle
releases an ovum (oocyte)
c) the oocyte is released surrounded by zona pellucida and corona radiata
d) the endometrium is shed and washed out by menstrual bleeding
After the ovulation:
a) the egg lives only for 24 hours or less without fertilization
b) the remains of the dominant follicle in the ovary become a corpus luteum
c) under the influence of progesterone, the endometrium changes to prepare for potential embryo implantation
d) the cartilage in the uterus changes into the glands
The ovarian corpus luteum:
a) is formed by simple columnar epithelium
b) develops from an ovarian follicle during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
c) is essential for establishing and maintaining pregnancy in females
d) secretes progesterone
When egg (oocyte) is not fertilized:
a) the corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone and decays after approximately
14 days in humans
b) the corpus albicans is gradually formed
c) the uterine lining sloughs off without progesterone and is expelled through the vagina
d) woman will not become pregnant during that cycle
When the egg (oocyte) is fertilized and embryo implantation occurs:
a) the corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone and decays after approximately
14 days in humans
b) the corpus albicans is gradually formed
c) the syncytiotrophoblast derived from trophoblast cells of the blastocyst secretes
the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) by day 9 post-fertilization
d) the corpus luteum is called the corpus luteum graviditatis
a) develops on the day 5 post-fertilization
b) contains branched chorionic villi
c) connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, waste
elimination, and gas exchange via the mother’s blood supply
d) mixes the fetal and maternal blood into one pool of blood
a) begins to develop upon implantation of the blastocyst into the maternal endometrium
b) the placenta averages 22 cm (9 inch) in length and 2–2.5 cm (0.8–1 inch) in
c) weighs approximately 500 grams (1 lb)
d) is connected with the fetus by an umbilical cord
The umbilical cord:
a) is the connecting cord from the developing embryo or fetus to the placenta
b) during prenatal development, the umbilical cord is physiologically and genetically part of the fetus
c) normally contains two arteries (the umbilical arteries) and one vein (the umbilical vein)
d) contains the vessels buried within Wharton’s jelly
The umbilical vein:
a) supplies the fetus with oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood from the placenta
b) is lined by endothelium
c) contains the smooth muscle cells in its wall
d) consists of lamina intima, media and adventitia
The umbilical arteries:
a) carry the deoxygenated, nutrient-depleted blood back to the placenta
b) there are usually two in the normal umbilical cord
c) they are lined by endothelium
d) they do not contain collagen fibers in their wall
The Bartholin’s glands (greater vestibular glands):
a) are located slightly below and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina
b) they secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina
c) are located in the superficial perineal pouch in females
d) are lined by stratified columnar epithelium
The labia majora:
a) are two prominent longitudinal cutaneous folds that extend downward and backward from the mons pubis to the perineum
b) are lined by stratified squamous epithelium
c) contain large sebaceous glands
d) are lined by pigmented epithelium