Respiratory system 29 Flashcards
The nares of the nose consist of what cells?
- stratified squamous epithelium
- sebaceous glands, sudoriferous glands, hair follicles
The mucosa of the nasal septum contains what 3 components?
- pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
- basement membrane
- lamina propria
The respiratory mucosa lines the passageway and is formed by what ?
- pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells
- lamina propria: thin layer of CT
- submucosa: dense irregular CT
What are three important factors to know of the olfactory epithelium?
- they are modified neurons
- pseudostratified columnar epithelial cells without goblet cells
What are the different types of cells in the olfactory epithelium?
- sustentacular cells with pigment granules
- basal cells with pigment granules
- olfactory cells
- olfactory glands of Bowman
What is the purpose of pigmented basal cells?
- are stem cell that provide immature olfactory cells
What are the olfactory cells?
- bipolar neurons with apical projections of nonmotile cilia.
- the basal layer extends unmyelinated axons through the ethmoid plate to mitral cells
- located in lamina propria
- secrete odorant-binding protein, which binds to molecules in the nasal cavity and activates an action potential
What is the action potential pathway in order to generate the sense of smell?
- odorant binding protein and odorant molecule bind. This complex then binds to odorant receptor G protein located on the olfactory cell cilium. G protein receptor activates cAMP to open Na ion channels and generates an action potential to the proper area of the brain to sense a scent.
What are the main large structures that make up the nasopharynx?
- mucosa
- submucosa
- Waldeyer’s ring
- Epiglottis
What is the purpose of the mucosa in the nasopharynx?
- it is a respiratory epithelium with a lamina propira with FECT, mucous glands, serous and mixed glands and diffuse lymphatic tissues
The submucosa of the nasopharynx consists of what two compounds?
-Loose CT, and MALT
The Waldeyer’s rings of the nasopharynx consist of what?
- includes the tonsil and adenoids
- is a ring of lymphoid tissue around the entire naspharynx.
What are the surfaces of the epiglottis and what is their function?
- Lingual surface: stratified squamous epithelium, lamina propria, loose CT, elastic fibers
- Pharyngeal surface: pseudostratified ciliated epithelium, lamina propria with tubuloacinar seromucous glands
The false vocal cords or vestibular folds are part of the nasopharynx with what components?
- pseudostratified ciliated epithelium
- lamina with seromucous glands