Respiratory System Flashcards
Hypersenstivity Pneumonitis
Fever , Chills , Cough , Dyspnea
Bilateral interstitial opacities, crackles, restrictive pattern.
bronchial lavage has lymphocytic dominance >20% Often >50%.
Obstructive Lung Disease
Asthama, COPD, Old age.
- FEV1↓ , FVC ↓ ,
- FEV1/FVC ↓(<70% ; Normal is 70%)
- TLC ↑
- RV ↑↑ , FRC (ERV-RV) ↑
Restrictive Lung Disease
Pulmonary Fibrosis, Pneumoconiosis etc
- FEV1 ↓, FVC ↓,
- FEV1/FVC ↑ (>70-80%)
- TLC ↓, RV ↓, FRC ↓.
SVC syndrome
Superior vena cava syndrome
Flushing of face + Congestion of neck veins.
Caused by pancoast tumor (Adenocarcinoma of Lungs)
NRDS (Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
Aka hyaline membrane disease
- Due to insufficient surfactant production by type II pneumocytes due to decrease in lamellar bodies (the specialized organelles that produce surfactant).
- Decrease lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio (i.e., <2.0).
- ↓ surfactant production means ↓ alveolar compliance, ↓ FRC, ↑ Airway resistance & ↑ elastic recoil.
- CXR shows a “reticulogranular” appearance.
Acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS)
Bilateral exudative chest infiltrates and decr O2 sats
in patient following: pancreatitis; aspiration of vomitus; near-drowning episodes (aspiration of fresh/sea water); improper insertion of NG tube into the lungs with feeding initiated; toxic shock syndrome; or general trauma / sepsis.
- Pulmonary decompensation associated with pancreatitis.
- Patient can be ventilated as follows: prone positioning (patient on
stomach) + low-tidal volume setting + permissive hypercapnia.
- Classic whooping cough presents as succession of many coughs
followed by an inspiratory stridor. - Can also present in adults Cough with hypoglycemia or post-tussive emesis, which means vomiting after coughing episodes.
- Pertussis can cause super-high WBC counts in the 30-50,000-range, where there are >80% lymphocytes.
- One way to prevent = vaccination (TDaP)
Cystic Fibrosis
- Autosomal recessive mutation (∆F508) impairs - - CFTR function
- ATP dependant Chloride channel defective
- Chronic, productive cough
- Recurrent sinopulmonary infections (eg,Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
- Pancreatic insufficiency (Def Fat Sol Vitamins)
- Male infertility (bilateral absence of vasdeferens)
- Elevated sweat chloride levels
(noncaseating granulomas)
Female with lymphedonopathy
Bilateral hilar adenopathy, uveitis
Hypercalcemia is also seen
Granuloma express increased activity of alpha-1 hydroixylase -> increase 1,25 hydroxy vit-D-> ca+2 reabsorbtion in GI lumen, this can cause Nephrolithiasis
High Fever & 3Cs ( Cough, Coryza, Conjuntivitis)
Koplik Spots (2-3days after symptoms)
As fever abates a Maculopapular rash starts at head and descends to cover whole body (like rubella)
Classically presents as:
- Parotidits
- Orchitis
- Meningitis
Caused by Paramyxovirus.
Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Progressive dyspnea
- Digital clubbing
- Loud P2 (pulmonary hypertension due to lung disease).
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis affects individuals in late adulthood, and lung examination would reveal inspiratory crackles.
Septic Shock
- Fever
- Leukocytosis
- Hypotension
- Tachycardia
Predisposing conditions for aspiration pneumonia
- Altered consciousness impairing cough reflex/glottic closure (eg, dementia, drug intoxication)
- Dysphagia due to neurologic deficits (eg, stroke, neurodegenerative disease)
- Upper gastrointestinal tract disorders (eg, GERD)
- Mechanical compromise of aspiration defenses (eg, nasogastric & endotracheal tubes)
- Protracted vomiting
-Large volume tube feedings in recumbent position
- Methemoglobin has Fe+3 (ferric) instead of Fe+2 (ferrous)
- Results usually after the use of oxidizing medications i.e Nitrites, Dapsone, Benzociane etc
- Functional anemia > Cyanosis
- Chocolate brown blood, doesn’t turn red with O2
- Cyanosis with O2 sats showing 85-90%
- Can be inherited in AR form, deficiency of Cytochrome b-5 reductase
Rx: Methylene blue (acquired form)
CO posioning
- CO binds to Hb
- CO has 200X more affinity for Hb than O2
- Makes blood bright red
- Cyanosis, but O2 sat may show 100%
Rx: 100% O2
- Blue Bloaters (Cyanotic & Swollen)
- Hypertrophy of mucus glands in the bronchioles
- Increased reid index >50%
- Mucus & inflamation causes obstruction
- Decrease Ventilation, Increase CO leads to V/Q mismatch
- Decrease FEV1/FVC ratio
- Wheezing, Crackles, Cyanosis & Dyspnea
- Signs of RHF (Swollen bloated look)
- Risk factor: Smoking
Centriacinar Emphysema
- Caused by smoking
- Barrel shaped chest
- Breathing through pursed lips
- Decrease lung recoil & Increase lung compliance
- Dyspnea, Tachycardia, Decreased breath sounds, Hypoxemia
- Pink Puffers
Panacinar Emphysema
- Seen in Young patients
- Caused by Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- Can also cause liver cirhosis
- Unexplained Emphysema + Abnormal LFT
- Young patient + Liver problem + Lung problem
- Imaging: Flat diaphragm, Increase CV angles, Thin mediastinum
- Caused by bronchiole hyperresponsiveness leading to reversible bronchoconstriction
- Type-I hypersentivity
- Eosinophilia
- Allergic asthama also has IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 & IL-13
- Cough, Wheezing, Tachypnea, Dyspnea
Dx: Methacholine stress test
Rx: Bronchodilators, Steroids etc
- Irreversible dilation of Bronchi
- Purulent sputum, Infections, Hemoptysis
- Caused by: Klebsiella, Bronchial Obstruction, Decrease Ciliary motility, Kartagner syndrome, CF, Aspergillosis
- Recurrent & Chronic Pneumonia
- Sparing of Rt lower lobe in imaging
Respiratory Changes with Aging
- ↑ V/Q mismatch
- ↑ Dead Space ventilation
- ↑ A-a gradient (↓ PaO2)
- No Hypoventilation (Normal PaCO2)