Hematology & Oncology Flashcards
(Proximal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria)
Triad of hemolytic anemia, hypercoagulability, and pancytopenia
acquired mutation in the PIGA gene
associated deficiency of CD55 and CD59 complement inhibitor proteins
PNH results in impaired synthesis of Glycosylphospatidylinositol (GPI), resulting in inability to anchor DAF (CD55) & CD59 to the cell membrane and loss of inhibition of complement-mediated lysis of erythrocytes, leukocytes & platelets.
Li-Fraumeni syndrome
- TP53 Mutation
- Autosomal dominant
- Caused by inactivating mutation in corresponding tumor suppressor gene
- Deletion of remaining normal allele (second hit) leads to loss of heterozygosity & malignant transformation
- Sarcomas, Breast cancer, Brain tumors, Adrenocortical carcinoma, Leukemia
Hereditary Spherocytosis
RBC membrane defect (Spectrin & Ankyrin), Spherocytes (Increase Osmotic fragility)
1- Hemolytic anemia (dec Hb, Inc LDH)
2- Jaundice
3- Splenomegaly (inc macrophages & congestion)
4- Negative Coombs test
Inc risk of pigmented gallstones & inc risk of aplastic crisis with Parvo virus B-19 infection
- IgA vasculitis (affects skin and kidneys)
- Palpable purpura on buttocks/legs,
- joint pain,
- abdominal pain,
- hematuria
- Seen in children
Acute lymphoblastic
leukemia/lymphoma (ALL)
- Age < 15 yrs
- Gene mutation on Chromosome21
- Associated with Down syndrome
- t(12;21) better prognosis;
- t(9;22) (Philadelphia chromosome) worse prognosis.
- PBS & Bone marrow have↑ Lymphoblasts
- TdT+, CALLA+
- CD10+
Chronic lymphocytic
leukemia (CLL)
- Age > 60 years.
- Most common adult leukemia. CD20+, CD23+, CD5+ B-cell neoplasm.
- CLL = Crushed Little Lymphocytes (smudge cells).
( Crushed/ Crumpled tissue paper like appearence on histology )
Hairy cell leukemia
- Adult males.
- Mature B-cell tumor.
- Cells have filamentous, hairlike projections (fuzzy appearing on LM)
- Marrow fibrosis has dry tap on aspiration.
- Pancytopaneia, Massive Splenomegaly
- TRAP+, Assosiated w BRAF mutation
Acute myelogenous
leukemia (AML)
- Auer Rods
- Myeloperoxidase ⊕
- APL: t(15;17),
- Responds to all-trans retinoic acid (vitamin A)
- DIC is a common presentation
- Associated with Down syndrome
Chronic myelogenous
leukemia (CML)
- Philadelphia chromosome
- (t[9;22], BCR-ABL)
- Myeloid stem cell proliferation
- May transform to AML or ALL (“blast crisis”)
- Responds to BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors (eg, imatinib).
- Low Leukocytes ALP.
Polycythemia Vera
- Increase in all blood cells
- ↑ RBC, ↑ WBC, ↑ Platelets
- JAK2 mutation
- Intense itching after shower (aquagenic pruritus)
- ↓ EPO
- Massive proliferation of megakaryocytes and platelets.
- Bleeding and thrombosis
- ↑ Platelets.
- 1/3 to 1/2 of essential thrombocythemia patients also have JAK-2 mutation.
- Atypical megakaryocyte hyperplasia
- Pancytopenia
- Bone marrow fibrosis (Dry Tap)
- Massive splenomegaly
- “Teardrop” RBCs
- ↓ RBCs, Variable WBCs & Platelets.
Langerhans cell
- Presents in a child as lytic bone lesions & skin rash or as recurrent otitis media with a mass involving the mastoid bone
- Express S-100 and CD1a.
- Birbeck granules
(“tennis rackets” or rod shaped on EM)
Dissemninated Intravascular Coagulaopathy
- Widespread clotting factor activation
- blood oozing from puncture sites
- Bleeding complications due to consumption of palelets and clotting factors.
- Thrombocytopenia (low platelets)
- ↑ aPTT , ↑ PT , ↑ INR , ↑ D-Dimers
- Decrease Fibrinogen conc
- Can be caused by Trauma, Malignancy, Pancreatitis, Toxins, mutliple other causes.
-↑ bleeding time, ↑ PT, ↑ aPTT.
- ↓ Platelet count, ↓ serum fibrinogen, ↑ serum plasmin activity, ↑ serum D-dimer
- Blood oozing from puncture site= DIC on USMLE
HUS (Hemolytic-uremic syndrome)
In children, Predominately caused by Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infection (serotype O157:H7)
- Thrombocytopenia
- Hemolytic Anemia
- Acute kidney Injury
- Bloody Diarrhea