Respiratory (part 2) Flashcards
Alpha-adrenergic response that decreases nasal congestion/pain, and shrinks mucous membranes.
a. ) Topical Nasal Decongestants
b. ) Oral Decongestants
c. ) Topical Nasal Steroid Decongestant
Oral Decongestants

Primary treatment of AR, but takes 1 week to be effective.
a. ) Topical Nasal Decongestants
b. ) Oral Decongestants
c. ) Topical Nasal Steroid Decongestant
Topical Nasal Steroid Decongestants

Avoid use of OTC cold remedies when using this medication.
a. ) Topical Nasal Decongestants
b. ) Oral Decongestants
c. ) Topical Nasal Steroid Decongestant
Oral Decongestants

Sympathomimetics that are used as a spray causing immediate action/relief. Prolonged use can cause erosion of the nasal mucosa.
a. ) Topical Nasal Decongestants
b. ) Oral Decongestants
c. ) Topical Nasal Steroid Decongestant
Topical Nasal Decongestants
erosion of the nasal mucosa

An adverse effect of this medication is rebound congestion.
a. ) Topical Nasal Decongestants
b. ) Oral Decongestants
c. ) Topical Nasal Steroid Decongestant
Oral Decongestants

Adverse effects include dryness of nasal mucosa, local burning, irritation, and stinging.
a. ) Topical Nasal Decongestants
b. ) Oral Decongestants
c. ) Topical Nasal Steroid Decongestant
Topical Nasal Steroid Decongestants
dryness of nasal mucosa

Works by blocking acetylcholine at the vagal receptor site, causing relaxation of smooth muscle in bronchi. Used when patient’s cannot tolerate sympathomimetics who have COPD.
a. ) Xanthines
b. ) Sympathomimetics
c. ) Anticholinergics

When using an inhaler, it is important to instruct patients to use a spacer and rinse their mouth after using.
a. ) Xanthines
b. ) Sympathomimetics
c. ) Anticholinergics

Stimulates prostaglandins, causing smooth muscle relaxation, which increases vital capacity. No longer first choice.
a. ) Xanthines
b. ) Sympathomimetics
c. ) Anticholinergics

Medication that is to be used for long-term, daily use (not for acute relief).
a. ) Xanthines
b. ) Sympathomimetics
c. ) Anticholinergics

Beta2 agonists that mimic the SNS.
a. ) Xanthines
b. ) Sympathomimetics
c. ) Anticholinergics

Decrease inflammatory response in airway, but takes 2-3 weeks to reach effective levels (needs to be used everyday).
a. ) Inhaled Steroids
b. ) Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist
Inhaled Steroids

Drug interactions for this medication are any drug that is metabolized through the CYP 450 system. You need to stagger administration times.
a. ) Inhaled Steroids
b. ) Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist
Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist

Adverse effects include thrush, sore throat, cough, and dry mouth.
a. ) Inhaled Steroids
b. ) Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist
Inhaled Steroids