Respiratory I Flashcards
The dance of respiratory physiology:
blood and oxygen coming together
Function of respiration
All events involved in gas exchange
gas exchange between external environment and body → obtain O2 and eliminate CO2
Define: Acidotic
can’t get rid of CO2
General Organization of the respiratory system
- an air pump for alveolar ventilation → get air in and out
- a surface for gas exchange → alveoli are exquisitely evolved for efficient gas
- A mechanism to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
- a circulatory system
- a mechanism for locally regulating the distribution of air and blood flow
- a mechanism for centrally regulating ventilation → the brain
External Respiration
The exchange of O2 and CO2 between the atmosphere and body tissues
Internal Respiration
Use of O2 in mitochondria to generate ATP by ox-phos
CO2 is waste product
Main purpose of Ventilation
to maintain optimal composition of alveolar gas
Define: alveolus
a buffer compartment between atmosphere and capillary blood
O2 constantly removed by blood
CO2 continuously added from blood
O2 replenished and CO2 removed by ventilation
What are the two phases of ventilaiton?
inspiration and expiration
they provide a stable alveolar environment
Non-respiratory Functions of Respiratory System
- Filter → catches thrombi (clots) and emboli (fat or air)
- metabolic organ → converts Ang I to Ang II, produces surfactant
- Shock-absorber for the heat and enhances venous return
- Alter the pH of blood → blow off CO2
- Route for water loss and heat elimination
- Blood reservoir → 10% of blood volume in pulmonary circulation
- Provide airflow → enables speech, singing, and other vocalizations
Respiratory consists of…
Airways → leading into lungs
Structures in thorax → producing movement air through airways
Respiratory Airways: Tubes
carry air between the atmosphere and alveoli
Nasal passages (nose/mouth)
Trachea (windpipe) → air to lungs
Larynx (voice box) → folds vibrate to make sound
Right and Left bronchi
Bronchioles → alveoli (air sacs) clustered at ends of terminal bronchioles
Respiratory Airways: Trachea and Primary Bronchi
- Rings of cartilage prevent collapse during
- negative and positive pressure changes
- a cough (⇡ pressure)
Respiratory Airways: Lobar and Segmental Bronchi
Secondary and Tertiary bronchi
small plates of cartilage
Respiratory Airways: Bronchioles
- No cartilage
- Parenchyma (lung functional tissue) and lung elasticity keep them open
- Airway diameter regulated by
- smooth muscle innervation (ANS)
- circulating hormones and local chemicals
Define: Conducting Zone
- Trachea + first 16 generations of airways
- no alveoli
- no blood gas barrier
- no gas exchange (between blood and lungs)
- anatomic dead space
Define: Respiratory Zone (3L)
- last 7 generations of airways
- the site of gas exchange
- 300 million alveoli
- where the blood-gas barrier is
3 important functions of the Conducting Zone
- Distributes air evenly to deeper parts of lungs
- warms and humidifiers until inspired air is → 37o, saturated with water vapor
- defense → moving staircase of mucus (secreted by goblet cells, cilia push out)
Respiratory Zone: Alveoli
- Large Surface area
- Thin walled → one layer of flattened Type I alveolar cells (93% of wall)
- Total blood-gas barrier is 2 cells across
- alveolar epithelium, interstitial fluid, capillary endothelium
- Type II alveolar cells secrete surfactant
- Alveolar macrophages guard lumen → secrete trypsin
- Pores of Kohn permit airflow between adjacent alveoli (collateral ventilation)
Lungs: Apex
superior tip of the lungs
just deep to clavicle
Lungs: Base
Concave inferior surface resting on diaphragm
Lung Tissue consists of:
blood vessels
elastic connective tissue
Thorax: Thoracic Cage
- Ribs and spine
- Chest wall
- Diaphragm
- sealed cavity with 3 membranous bags
- 1 pericardial sac contains the heart
- 2 pleural sacs, each containing 1 lung
Thorax: Thoracic Cage: Ribs and Spine
12 pairs of curved ribs
thoracic vertebrae
Thorax: Thoracic Cage: Chest wall
muscles in chest cavity
internal and external intercostal muscles connect the 12 rib pairs
sternocleidomastoids and scalenes connect the head and neck to the first 2 ribs
Thorax: Thoracic Cage: Diaphragm
dome-shaped skeletal muscle
separates thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity
Pleural Sac
- separates each lung from the thoracic wall
- double walled closed sac
- visceral covers surface of lung
- parietal on inside of thorax
- Space within sac contains
- intrapleural fluid (1.5 mL)
- secreted by surfaces of the pleura
- lubricates pleural surfaces
- causes pleural surfaces to adhere together (lung and thorax)
Cohesive forces of intrapleural space: Horizontal
intrapleural fluid creates a slippery surface allowing lungs to slide against thoracic wall
pleural fluid = a lubricant
Cohesive forces of intrapleural space: Vertically
when chest expands → lungs are compelled to follow
Pleural Fluid = lungs and chest expand as a single unit
Define: Atmospheric (barometric) pressure
subject to gravity
pressure exerted by the weight of the air in the atmosphere (760 mm Hg at sea level)
Define: Intrapulmonary (alveolar) pressure
pressure inside the alveoli
when compared to atmospheric pressure it is 0 (B/C they are the same)
Define: Intrapleural pressure
pressure in pleural fluid; normally < intraalveolar pressure
normally less than what is in lungs
Transmural pressure
pressure difference across the lungs
transpulmonary = across lung wall; Palveolar - Pintrapleural
Transmural pressure gradient
important reason lungs follow chest
makes it easier to expand
pushes alveoli out as pressure goes down the gradient
Stretched lungs
tendency to pull in
Compressed thoracic wall
tends to pull out
____ helps keep the lung and chest from pulling away from each other except to the slightest degree
transmural pressure gradient and intrapleural fluid’s cohesiveness
The ever-so slight expansion of the pleural cavity…
creates a vacuum because fluid cannot expand to fill the slightly larger volume
Pip tends to be…
negative during quiet breathing
more negative during deep inspiration
When is Pip positive?
during forced expiration → blowing out
Define: Pneumothorax
air in chest
Symptoms of Pneumothorax
shortness of breath
increased HR
chest pain
blue lips/fingers
What causes a pneumothorax?
opening in the chest wall → air enters pleural space → Pip equilibrates with PB → transplum pressure gradient is lost → lungs and thorax separate and assume their natural positions
Pressure, tension, or Partial Pressure of gas
volume of gas
functional concentration of a gas
volume of blood
Cohesive forces of intrapleural space:C
dead space
carbon dixoide
nitrgrogen n
denotes a rate → VeCO2 → volume of CO2 in expired and as you rotate
To alter lung volumes we need…
- Respiratory muscles to change size of thoracic cavity
- overcome tissue elastance
- overcome surface tension within alveoli
Air flows…
down a pressure gradient
from higher to lower
PA < PB…
air enters lungs
PA > PB…
air exits lungs
Intra-alveolar pressure can be altered by…
changing the volume of the lungs
Boyle’s Law
the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely related
P1V1 = P2V2
½ volume → double pressure
double volume → ½ pressure
as the volume increases, pressure exerted by gas…
decreases proportionately
How does Boyle’s Law work in us?
- as the lungs expand in volume, pressure goes down
- expand chest wall → ⇡ volume → ⇣ pressure → air flows in
- as the lungs shrink in volume, pressure goes up
- expiration → ⇣ volume → ⇡ pressure → air flows out
___ change the volume of the thoracic cavity
the active phase of the breathing cycle
Before Inspiration
Respiratory muscles relaxed
no air is flowing → PA = PB
During inspiration
- motor impulses from brainstem activate muscle contraction
- thoracic cavity expands → PA and Pip to drop
Inspiration: Drop in PA
Fresh air to flow in until pressures are equalized
Inspiration: Drop in Pip
⇡ transpulmonary pressure gradient
needed to overcome increased elastic recoil force of stretched lungs
sheet of skeletal muscle forms the floor of the thoracic cavity
major muscle of inspiratory effort (75%)
Normal inspiration: Diaphragm moves 1 cm
Forced inspiration: Diaphragm can move 10 cm
When diaphragm is relaxed:
dome shape protrudes upward into thorax
When diaphragm is contracted:
innervated by phrenic nerve
it increases thoracic cavity by descending downward
ribs forward
Muscles of inspiration: External intercostal muscles
responsible for 25% of inspiratory effort
lie on top of internal intercostal
activated by intercostal nerves
contraction: elevate ribs an thus sternum → upward and forward ie. “bucket-handle” fashion
Movements of the rib cage
help increase dimensions of thoracic cavity
pump handle movement
bucket handle movement
Muscles of Inspiration: Accessory Muscles
assist with forces inspiration → eg. exercise
Scalene Muscles → elevate the first 2 ribs
Sternocleidomastoid Muscle → raises the sternum
both cause even greater drops in PA and Pip
What is a good indication of respiratory distress?
using neck muscles to breath
The act of inhaling is ___-pressure ventilation
A ventilator would be ___-pressure ventilation
positive because machine forces air into you
The passive phase of breathing cycle
During expiration
inspiratory muscles relax
lungs recoil due to elastic properties
pleural and alveolar pressures rise → PA = 761 mmHg
gas flows passively out of lung due to elastic recoil
Muscles of Active Expiration
abdominal and internal intercostals
Muscles of Active Expiration: To empty more completely,
- need to ⇡ PA even more
- need more force than accomplished by simple relaxation
- exercise and disease states such as asthma
Contraction of abdominal wall and internal intercostals…
⇡ intra-abdominal pressure
Abnormal lung function
- Unable to expand
- hard to increase volume, difficult to decrease pressure and breathe in
- unable contract lung
- hard to decrease volume, difficult to increase pressure and breathe out
Reasons you may be unable to expand lungs
Scar tissue
reduced surfactant
Reasons you may be unable to contract (expire) lungs
2 major patterns of gas flow
flow changes: laminar to turbulent when Reynolds # >200
Laminar gas flow
air flows in the same direction
parallel to walls
low flow rates → requires less pressure to flow
gas in center travels most rapidly
Turbulent gas flow
As air flow rate increases → air moves irregularly → creates resistance to flow which requires higher pressures
Reynolds number determines Gas Flow pattern
Re = 2rvd/n
r = radius, v = average velocity, d = density, n = viscosity
Turbulence most likely to occur when:
Average velocity is high and radius is large
Trachea: large diameter (3 cm) and gas flow: 1L/sec
gas flow in larger airways (nose, mouth, trachea, bronchi) is turbulent
Ohm’s Law
F = ΔP/R
F = flow rate, ΔP = pressure difference, R = resistance of airway
high pressure difference = fast flow
Poiseuille’s Law for Resistance
R = ( 8*L*n) / (π * r4)
R = resistance, L = length of tube, n = viscosity of fluid
π = 3.14, r = radius of tube to the fourth power
The smaller the airway, the __ the resistance
In Poiseuille’s Law, reducing r by 50% will have what effect on R?
it will increase R 16-fold
How does lung volume affect resistance?
the larger the lung volume the lower the resistance
diameter of airways change with lung volume
airways supported by radial traction of surrounding lung CT
as lung expands, it pulls open airways
as lung volume decreases, smaller airways may be compressed at low lung volumes → ⇡ R
How does bronchial smooth muscle tone affect resistance?
contraction of airways ⇡ R
bronchoconstriction → ⇣ radius, ⇡ resistance to airflow
bronchodilation → ⇡ radius, ⇣ resistance to airflow
Factors producing bronchoconstriction and decreasing airflow
- Pathological: allergy-induced spasm of airways
- Physical blockage: mucus, airway collapse
- *neural control: PNS - during quiet relaxed situations, demand not high
- Ach on M receptors
- *local control: low CO2
Factors producing bronchodilation and increasing airflow
- Pathological: none
- Neural (minimal effect): SNS
- *Hormonal: EPI when demand high
- Beta-2 adrenergic agonists (cause dilation)
- *Local control: high CO2
How does Gas density affect resistance?
Elevated gas density (deep sea diving) ⇡ R
for every 10 m you go down, you ⇡ 1 atm
How does forced expiration affect resistance?
airway compression ⇡ resistance significantly
Pip is positive
PA = Pip + Pelastic recoil
as elastic recoil decreases, PA decreases
exhaling air loses pressure as it hits R
Equal Pressure Point (EPP)
the point when Pairway = Pip
If Pip > than Pairway , collapse of the airway can occur
occurs in larger airways
in healthy lungs, the EPP occurs normally where cartilage is present and prevents closure of the airway
influenced by lung elastic recoil
Forced expiration: Emphysema
the loss of alveoli and thus elastic recoil, lowers PA further during forced expiration
EPP occurs closer to the alveoli, where the cartilage cannot prevent airway collapse
EPP: Healthy lungs
Recoil → ⇡ PA → EPP established in larger airways; collapse is minimal
EPP: emphysema
Low recoil → ⇣PA → EPP established in small airways; easily compressed
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- umbrella term used to describe chronic lung diseases that cause limitations in lung airflow → ⇡ R
- when R ⇡s, larger pressure gradient needed to maintain normal flow rate
- Two main forms:
- chronic bronchitis
- emphysema
COPD causes the following changes
- Chronic bronchitis
- alveolar walls are destroyed
- alveoli lose their ability to recoil
- Emphysema
- airways walls become thickened and inflames
- airways become clogged with mucus
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT)
a series of tests that evaluate how well lungs are working
used to diagnose, stage, and monitor pulmonary diseases
Types of PFTs
Spirometry → 1st test performed → screening test
Formal lung volume measurement
diffusing capacity for CO → assess diffusion barrie and Hb
Arterial Blood gases
PFT: Spirometry
- Lung volumes and capacities
- determine the amount (volume) of air someone can move in and out compared to normal population
- Flow/Volume loops
- determine speed (flow) → how fast can air escape
Spirometry: Lung Volumes and Capacities
- Anatomic measurements that vary with age (⇣ capacity with age) , weight (larger the weight, ⇣ capacity), height (⇡ capacity with taller height), sex (men have higher capacity than women), and race
- can be altered by disease/trauma
- seated subject breaths into closed system
- old: an air filled drum floating in water filled chamber
- New: Pneumotachometer
Define: Tidal Volume (VT)
Volume of air entering or leaving lungs during a single breath
avg value = 500 mL
Define: Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)
extra volume of air that can be maximally inspired over and above the typical resting tidal volume
Define: Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)
extra volume of air that can be actively expired by maximal contraction beyond the normal volume of air after a resting tidal volume
Define: Inspiratory Capacity
maximum volume of air that can be inspired at the end of a normal quiet expiration
Define: Residual Volume (RV)
minimum volume of air remaining in the lungs even after a maximal expiration
Define: Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)
volume of air in lungs at the end of normal passive expiration
resting equilibrium point
Define: Vital Capacity (VC)
maximum volume of air that can be moved out during a single breath following a maximal inspiration
avg value = 4800 mL
Define: Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
Maximum volume of air that the lungs can hold
avg value = 6000 mL
How is lung function divided?
- into 4 volumes that give 4 capacities
- IRV = 3.1 L
- VT = 0.5 L
- ERV = 1.2 L
- RV = 1.2 L
- TLC = IRV + VT + ERV + RV = 6.0 L
- IC = IRV + VT = 3.6 L
- VC = IRV + VT + ERV = 4.8 L
- FRC = ERV + RV = 2.4 L
Determination of RV, FRC, TLC
spirometry measures the amount of air entering and leaving the lungs but cannot provide info about absolute lung volumes
need to use things like gas dilution and body plethysmography
Obstructive Respiratory Dysfunction ⇡⇣
⇣ capacity to get air out
⇡ RV ( > 120% predicted)
⇡ static lung volumes: RV, FRC, TLC
slow flow rates; hyperinflation; ⇣ recoil
characteristic of COPD
Restrictive Respiratory Dysfunction
⇣ capacity to get air in
⇣ TLC ( < 80% predicted)
⇣ static lung volumes: RV, FRC, VT, VC
⇡ recoil, ⇣ volume
Important measurements from spirogram
FVC: forced vital capacity; the volume of air forcibly blown out after full inspiration → volume of air drops in the lungs
FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 sec
FEV1/FVC: proportion of FVC expired in 1st second of expiration
What does FEV1/FVC of a spirogram tell you?
if the issue is obstructive or restrictive
< 80% = obstructive
> 80% = restrictive
How well a lung inflates or deflates with a change in transpulmonary pressure depends on its..
elastic properties → once stretched it recoils to its unstretched position
how easily the lung is stretched (distensibility)
ΔV/ ΔP → Δ in lung volume resulting from a Δ in distending pressure (transmural pressure gradient)
High compliance
large change in V for a given change in P
easy to stretch
low lung volume
stretches further for a given ⇡ in pressure
Example of Disease that can cause a highly compliant lung
Emphysema → disappearing lung tissue → easy to inflate → larger increases in volume for a given change in pressure → low elastic recoil :
Low compliance
small change in V for a given change in P
hard to stretch
high lung volume
a large transmural pressure gradient is needed to expand lungs
Example of a Disease that results in low compliance of lungs
Pulmonary fibrosis → collagen deposition in response to injury → more work required → smaller increases in volume for a given change in pressure → “stiff lung” → lacks stretchability
Which part of the lung is more compliant: the base or the apex?
the base
compliance of the base > apex
a greater portion of tidal volume goes to the base, resulting in greater ventilation
the base is relatively compressed but expands better due to smaller resting volume
What effect does gravity have on lungs?
gravity causes weight of lung to pull down on alveoli → results in alveoli in apex to be more expanded → Pip is more negative allowing for greater initial expansion
lower compliance in distended alveoli
Compliance of lungs changes with….
loss or gain of connective tissue
Lung Properties: Elastic Recoil
- Distensibility and elastic recoil are inversely related
- lung that is easily inflates has less elastic recoil
- lung that is hard to inflate has high elastic recoil
- elastic recoil is directly related to lung stiffness
- the stiffer the lung, the greater the recoil → coiled spring
How do changes in lung compliance affect lung volume and FRC?
Normal: balanced
Obstructive: emphysema: FRC ⇡: chest elastic recoil wins
Restrictive: Fibrosis: FRC ⇣ → lung elastic recoil wins
Elastic Behavior of the Lungs depends on…
- elastin and collagen fibers
- smoking destroys CT (⇡ compliance)
- *Alveolar surface tension
- ⅔ of total elastic force in lung is due to surface tension due to inspiration
- thin liquid film lines each alveolus → produces as inwardly directed force (collapsing force) → resists being stretched
in alveoli fluid and reduces surface tension
increases compliance
gets in between water molecules and breaks up cohesiveness making it easier for lungs to expand
secreted by Type II alveolar cells
___ is required to overcome elastic recoil and surface tension in lungs
___ is used to determine work of breathing
oxygen consumption
how much oxygen do we have to take in to use to make ATP → tells what work is for breathing
Oxygen consumption
O2 cost of quiet breathing: 5% of total oxygen consumption
Heavy exercise increases O2 cost to 20%
High O2 cost when…
compliance is decreased → more work required to expand lungs
airway resistance is increased → more work to achieve pressure gradients to overcome resistance
elastic recoil is decreased → passive expiration inadequate (need abs)