Respiratory Flashcards
An Xray following a penetrating injury to the chest shows air in the space around the lungs. What is most likely the condition?
Pneumothorax may cause a part of a lung or an entire lung to collapse.
The mediastinal surface contains _______ that serves as the entry and exit site for bronchi, pulmonary vessels, and nerves.
The ridge that marks the bifurcation of the trachea into the right and left primary bronchi is the:
Trachea is lined with:
Ciliated pseudostratofied columnar epithelium and mucous secreting goblet cells
What component of th respiratory system does NOT have cilia?
Alveolar ducts
The __________ of the respiratory system is made up of nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and terminal broncioles.
Conducting zone
This zone is the site of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas exchange, and is composed of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli.
Respiratory zone
Which side of the lung, tuberculosis is more common?
Right lung- due to the shorter right trachea.
Disease is usually restricted to the apex of the lungs - ventilation/ perfusion ratio is HIGH as the blood flow is reduced leading to higher alveolar PO2 this provides a better environment for the obligate aerobes to grow.
What structure is not a part of the lower than the respiratory tract?
Structures of the upper respiratory tract:
Structures of the upper respiratory tract:
All paranasal sinuses drain into one of the three meatuses (superior, middle, inferior) except one.
Sphenoidal - drains into sphenoethmoidal recess
The conchae and nasal fossae are lined with
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
Muscles that prevent food from entering the nasopharynx
Tensor veli palatini
Levator veli palatini
The opening into the oropharynx from the oral cavity is called:
Is most easily made by an incision through the median cricothyroid ligament.
Emergency tracheotomy
An incision is made through skin and cricothyroid membrane for the relief of acute respiratory obstruction.
It is rarely performed and is limited to patients with extensive laryngeal damage and infants with severe airway obstruction:
Is a protuberance that is formed by the angle of the thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx.
Laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple)
An infant born at 26 weeks, showed the following signs a few hours after birth: blue skin color, nasal flaring, irregular breathing, shortness of breath, and grunting sounds while breathing. Chest radiographs and blood test were performed. What is most likely diagnosis?
Respiratory distress syndrome
Is a mixture of phospholipids (mainly dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine and phosphatidyglycerol) and lipoprotein produced in the alveoli of the lungs. It helps in reducing the surface tension of the alveolar fluid this enhancing the ventilation capability of alveoli.