Respiratory Flashcards
How long should you wait before performing a first trach change?
At least one week
What other bacteria can cause epiglottitis?
Staphylococcus aureus, strep pneumoniae, group a strep
What causes ARDS?
Injury to the alveolar capillary membrane
Three medication use an ER management of status asthmaticus?
Inhaled beta Agnes, corticosteroids, anticholinergics such as atrovent or ipratropium bromide
Define a pulmonary embolism.
Materials traveling in the bloodstream become lodged in the pulmonary arterial bed
Anxiety, high vent rate, tachypnea cause what acid base imbalance?
Respiratory alkalosis
What type of non-invasive ventilation provides two levels of pressure one during inspiration and one lower pressure in between respiratory cycles?
Bi-level positive airway pressure or bi-PAP
Tripod position, drooling, hot potato voice, anxiousness are all signs of what respiratory disease?
List three airway considerations in children?
Smallmouth, large tongue, floppy epiglottis, infants are obligate nose breathers
What is the managed management strategy when using invasive ventilation is status asthmatic is?
Allow for permissive hypercapnia
What invasive ventilator mode has a set volume delivered with each breath and a set pressure? Set rate and volume with pressure delivered to achieve those volumes
Volume control pressure support
When is most common cause of pneumonia in older neonates?
Staphylococcus or streptococcus
If the capnography measurement suddenly flattens what is the likely cost?
ET tube disconnection
What does VACTERL stand for?
Vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac defects, TEF, renal anomalies, limb anomalies
What is pulses paradoxes
Fall in blood pressure during inspiration of 10 MMHG
What is the actor finding of a patient with a croup?
Steeple sign
What CO2 measurement is worrisome in status asthmaticus?
A normal arising carbon dioxide as the patient compensates well for the exacerbation creating a hypocarbia
Retention of CO2 causes…
Respiratory acidosis
Where’s the most common adverse reaction of magnesium sulfate administration in status asthmaticus?
What are the three most common modes for invasive ventilation?
Pressure support, pressure control pressure support, volume control pressure support
What do you do with stay sutures on a fresh trach if the trach needs to be acutely removed?
Pull them up
What are four ways to increase oxygenation?
Increase FIO2, increase the peep, increase i-time which increases mean air way pressure
What antibiotic do you avoid when treating pertussis and infants less than one month of age and why?
Erythromycin can cause hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in infants under one month of age
What problem presents us sore throat fever dysphasia Christmas hot potato voice neck swelling?
Retropharyngeal abscess
What respiratory illness requires chemoprophylaxis for all household contacts?
What does a broncos spasm from asthma or COPD look like on capnography?
A shark fin due to the long exhale
What is the most common cause of pneumonia in neonates?
Group b strep, club Cielo
What is the benefit of giving Helios in a patient in status asthmaticus?
Turns turbulent flow into laminar flow
Wonder three risks to invasive ventilation?
Difficult airway, tracheal or vocal cord injury, subglottic stenosis, muscle weakness or atrophy, pneumothorax or pneumo mediastinum from air leaks
What physical exam is unique to a peritoneal abscess?
Swollen tonsils with uvula deviation
What happens to a patient’s respiratory rate when they are in DKA and why?
They become tachypneic because they are acidotic and trying to blow off CO2
What antibiotic class is used to treat pertussis?
What type of non-invasive ventilation provides one set pressure being delivered to the patient throughout the respiratory cycle?
Continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP
What mode of invasive ventilation has a set pressure with each breath and the amount of volume depends on compliance of lungs? They have a set rate, that will deliver set pressure, or if taking their own breaths they get pressure support
Pressure control pressure support
When treating a RDS using mechanical ventilation what are some management strategies to help decrease ventilator-associated lung injury?
Permissive hypercapnia, low title volume, avoid PIP greater than 30
What are common pathogens responsible for a retrofaring gel abscess?
Streptococcus pyogens, staphylococcus aureus, hemophilus
What are four ways to eliminate more carbon dioxide?
Increase the ventilator rate, in pressure control mode adjust the size of the ventilator breath being delivered so that they have to blow off bigger breaths, in volume control mode increase the title volume, change the I time so that it is shorter so there’s more time for exhalation
What sedating medication is used when intubation is required in status asthmaticus?
Ketamine due to its bronchodilatory effects