Respiration Flashcards
where does respiration occur
in the lungs
maintains PH, oxygen, and CO2
Animals must exchange the respiratory gases
O2 and CO2 via passive diffusion
Gas exchange systems are made up of:
Specialized surfaces where gas can move between the body and the environment • Mechanisms that ventilate the environmental side and perfuse the internal side
Faster diffusion–>faster exchange–> possibly better metabolism
Partial pressure
concentration of a gas in a mixture of gasses
Fick’s law of diffusion
applies to all gas exchange of systems
Q= rate of diffusion
D= diffusion coefficient
A=area across which gases diffuse
P1 and P2= partial pressures of gas at two locations
L=distance btw the locations
(P1-P2)/L: partial pressure gradient
surface area (A) x concentration difference (P1-P2) x membrane permeability (D)/ membrane thickness (L)
what plays a role in membrane permeability
lipid solubility and molecular size
increase in surface area (A)
faster rate of diffusion
increasing concentration difference (P1-P2)
faster rate of diffusion
increasing permeability (D)
faster rate of diffusion
increased membrane thickness
slower rate of diffusion
adaptations to maximize respiratory gas exchange
increase surface area (A)
maximize partial pressure gradients (p1-p2)
(decrease partial pressure in tissues)
minimize diffusion path length (L)
thinner tissues in gills and lungs
maximize diffusion that takes place into and in aqueous medium
circulating blood and active moving of air and water
insects have
spiracles where air diffuses into the body
fish have
gill slits that increase surface area with thin layers
tidal volume
normal amount of air exchanged breathing at rest