Research & Stats Flashcards
decide if study is ethical
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
prediction of relation
can take on different values
outcome of interest, measured to see if it changes in a study i.e. the plant
dependent variable
variable manipulated in the study i.e. the water
independent variable
named attribute, order doesn’t matter, ex: martial status, blood type
nominal variable
named attribute, order does matter
ex: stages of cancer
ordinal variable
can take on any value in a range
ex: temp, weight, speed
continuous variable (vs. discrete)
only 2 possible outcomes
ex: disease or no disease
dichotomous variable
hypothesis, methods used
Am I Literally Making Rice Despite Carb Intolerance?
Research Report Components
-can draw associations, but not casual relationships
-no hypothesis tested
descriptive research
-descriptive research types
-Quit Sharing Credit Cards
-Qualitative, surveys, correlation, case report
-tests hypothesis
-can draw causal relationships
analytical research
formative evaluation
pilot study
data as words (narrative vs. numbers)
ex: focus group
qualitative research
-single subject or group w same condition
-case report/study
-series (many together)
-study examines if 2 variables are related
-no manipulation of variables
-ex: relationship between stress and illness?
correlation study
X-Axis (horizon)
Independent variable
Y axis (vert)
dependent variable
-variables increase/decrease together
-move in same direction
-ex: shoe size increases with foot length
positive correlation
correlation strengths
-0.4-0.7 moderate
-below weak, above strong
-random group assignments
-no selection bias
-ex: double blind study
experimental study
-gold standard for causal relationships
-uses random assignment and control group receiving placebo
participants stay in same group
parallel RCT
-2 period
-washout phase to reduce carryover effect
-participants switch groups, receive opposite txt
-participants act as their own control
cross over RCT
-Queezy there’s no random assign or control group
-ex: time series
-risk factor exposure
-retrospective (recalling past behaviours i.e. smoking)
-ex: disease (cases), no disease (control)
case control study
-groups of individuals who share commonality (behaviour or disease)
-healthy participants exposed to a risk factor
-followed over a period of time or look back
-other name “incidence
cohort study
studies current disease prevalence
Types of meta analysis
-can you apply the study results to general population?
external validity
-REpeatability of results
-how likely a test is to correctly identify ppl WITH a disease
-ex: initial screening
-how likely a test is to correctly identify ppl WITHOUT a disease
-specific diagnosis testing
-participants selected by convenience or judgment;not random
non-probability sampling
-summarize, describe & synth collected data
-ex: mean, mode, range
descriptive stats
-analysis of data, prediction beyond study
-ex: hypothesis test
inferential stats
most frequently occurring value in data set
how spread out are the data values relative to average
standard deviation
mean of 2 groups
mean of 3 groups
outcome of study isn’t luck, real finding
statistical significance
very significant
not significant
smaller the P value
higher statistical significance