Research Methods Y2 - Mann Whitney/Wilcoxon Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Mann–Whitney test?
The Mann–Whitney test is used to look for a difference between two groups of scores. It is appropriate when the data is ordinal (scores are ranks) or interval but not normally distributed.
What are the hypotheses in the Mann–Whitney test example?
Alternative hypothesis: There is a difference in ratings for ‘suitability of an interview’ based on whether a job applicant is described as having been diagnosed with schizophrenia (Group A) or not (Group B).
Null hypothesis: There is no difference in ratings for ‘suitability of an interview’ based on whether a job applicant is described as having been diagnosed with schizophrenia (Group A or not Group B).
What is the first step in the Mann–Whitney test?
Calculate the rank of scores. Combine scores from both groups into one data set, rank them, and then calculate the sum of ranks for each group.
How is U calculated in the Mann–Whitney test?
U = Ra - (Na(Na+1))/2 Where Ra is the sum of the ranks and Na is the number of pp
What is the critical value in the Mann–Whitney test?
The critical value of
U is found using a critical values table. For a two-tailed test at 𝑝≤0.05
p≤0.05, the critical value depends on 𝑛1and 𝑛2.
How do you determine significance in the Mann–Whitney test?
If the calculated U is equal to or less than the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
What is the purpose of the Wilcoxon test?
The Wilcoxon test is used to investigate differences in scores in repeated measures designs, comparing scores from the same participants before and after treatment.
What are the hypotheses in the Wilcoxon test example?
Alternative hypothesis: There is a difference in young offenders’ scores on an anger questionnaire before and after treatment.
Null hypothesis: There is no difference in young offenders’ scores on an anger questionnaire before and after treatment.
What is the first step in the Wilcoxon test?
Calculate the difference between the two sets of data. Rank the absolute differences, ignoring signs.
How is the T value calculated in the Wilcoxon test?
T is the sum of the ranks of the less frequent sign (either positive or negative).
How do you determine significance in the Wilcoxon test?
If the calculated T is less than or equal to the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
What is an ‘Inferential test’?
An inferential test is a statistical test used to determine whether two samples are significantly different.
What does ‘Ordinal data’ mean?
Ordinal data refers to data that is ranked or ordered but does not have equal intervals between points.
What does ‘Significant difference’ mean?
A significant difference indicates that the results are unlikely to be due to chance, typically at 𝑝≤0.05.
What is a ‘Two-tailed test’?
A two-tailed test is used when the alternative hypothesis predicts a difference but does not specify the direction of the difference.