Research Methods Y1 - Self - Report Design Flashcards
What are open questions?
Open questions are questions for which there is no fixed choice of response, and respondents can answer in any way they wish, for example, “Why did you take up smoking?”
What are closed questions?
Closed questions are questions for which there is a fixed choice of responses determined by the question setter, for example, “Do you smoke? (yes/no).”
What are Likert scales in questionnaires?
A Likert scale is a type of question where respondents indicate their agreement (or otherwise) with a statement using a scale, usually of five points, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
What is a rating scale?
A rating scale asks respondents to identify a value that represents their strength of feeling about a particular topic.
What is a fixed-choice option?
A fixed-choice option includes a list of possible options, and respondents are required to indicate those that apply to them.
What is an interview schedule?
An interview schedule is the list of questions that the interviewer intends to ask. It should be standardized for each participant to reduce the contamination effect of interviewer bias. Typically, the interviewer will take notes throughout the interview or, alternatively, the interview may be recorded and later analyzed.
What kind of preparation is required before conducting interviews?
Interviewers should establish a rapport with the interviewee. This preparation might involve starting the interview with some neutral questions to make participants feel relaxed and comfortable, as well as establishing rapport. This is particularly important if the interview involves dealing with ethical issues or sensitive topics.
What is jargon, and why should it be avoided in questions?
Jargon refers to technical terms familiar only to those within a specific field or area. It should be avoided as it can confuse respondents, leading to misinterpretation.
What is emotive language, and why should it be avoided?
Emotive language can reveal the author’s attitude toward a topic and may influence how a respondent answers.
What are leading questions?
Leading questions guide respondents toward a particular answer.
What are double-barrelled questions and double negatives?
A double-barrelled question contains two questions in one, leading to potential confusion.
Double negatives are also difficult to decipher.