Research Methods Y2 - Reporting Psychological Investigations Flashcards
What is an abstract?
The key details of the research report.
What is an introduction?
A look at past research (theory and/or studies) on a similar topic. Includes the aims and hypothesis.
What is a method?
A description of what the researcher(s) did, including design, sample, apparatus/materials, procedure, ethics.
What are results in a psychological report?
A description of what the researcher(s) found, including descriptive and inferential statistics.
What is a discussion section?
A consideration of what the results of a research study tell us in terms of psychological theory.
What is a references section?
A list of sources that are referred to or quoted in the article, e.g., journal articles, books, websites, and their full details.
What are the sections of a scientific report?
Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References.
What is included in an abstract?
The first section in a journal article is a short summary (150–200 words in length) that includes all the major elements: the aims and hypotheses, method/procedure, results, and conclusions.
When researching a particular topic, psychologists will often read lots of abstracts to identify those investigations that are worthy of further examination.
What does the introduction section include?
The introduction is a literature review of the general area of investigation, detailing relevant theories, concepts, and studies related to the current study.
The research review should follow a logical progression – beginning broadly and gradually becoming more specific until the aims and hypotheses are presented.
What are the sub-sections of the method section?
Design, Sample, Apparatus/Materials, Procedure, Ethics.
What is included in the design section of a method?
The design is clearly stated, e.g., independent groups, naturalistic observation, etc.
The reason/justification for the choice of design is also provided.
What is included in the sample section of a method?
Information related to the people involved in the study:
How many there were.
Biographical/demographic information (as long as this does not compromise anonymity).
The sampling method and target population are described.
What is included in the apparatus/materials section?
Detail of any assessment instruments used and other relevant materials.
What is included in the procedure section?
A “recipe-style” list of everything that happened in the investigation from beginning to end.
This includes a verbatim record of everything that was said to participants:
Briefing, standard instructions, and debriefing.
What is included in the ethics section?
An explanation of how ethical issues were addressed in the study.