Rescue TEE Flashcards
What is the criteria for determining hypovolemia in the transgastric short axis TEE view of the LV in terms of:
- End diastolic diameter?
< 2.5 cm
What is the criteria for determining hypovolemia in the transgastric short axis TEE view of the LV in terms of:
1. End diastolic area?
End diastolic area <55 cm2
What is the normal end-diastolic diameter of the LV in the TEE TG SAX view?
3.7 - 5.3 cm
In the TEE TG SAX view, what defines small amount of pericardial fluid?
< 0.5 cm (100-200) - Small
In the TEE TG SAX view, what defines moderate amount of pericardial fluid?
0.5 cm - 2 cm (200 - 500 mL) Moderate
In the TEE TG SAX view, what defines large amount of pericardial fluid?
>2 cm (>500 mL) Large
What is better for evaluating intrapericardial clot and posterior/loculated effusions?
(TTE vs. TEE)
What is a specific sign of pericardial tamponade?
RV Diastolic collapse
Pericardial Pressure >> RV Pressure
What is the sensitivity, specificity and Positive predictive value to atrial compression for cardiac tamponade?
Sensitivity = 95%
Specificity = 82%
PPV.= 50%
What is the Specificity and Sensitivity for detecting pulmonary embolism via TEE?
- Specificity = 95% (If you see thrombus = It’s probably PE)
- Sensitivity = 46% (If you don’t see thrombus, you can’t say it’s not a PE)
What are the associated signs of a PE that can help lean towards a diagnosis of PE if you don’t see a clot?
- Comment on RV
- Chamber sizes
- What’s dilated?
- Comment on the IVC
- Valve changes?
- Specific sign?
- RV Hypokinesis
- RV enlargement
- Small LV
- Flattening of the Intraventricular septum or paradoxical septal motion
- Dilated PA
- Dilated RA
- Distended IVC with loss of respiratory variation
- Tricuspid Insufficiency
- McConnell’s Sign
What is McConnell’s Sign?
What is associated with?
Regional wall motion abnormalities sparing the RV apex
Associated = Massive PE with poor prognosis
McConnell sign better seen on TTE or TEE?
What is the basic equation for Blood Pressure?
BP = HR x SV x SVR
What is stroke volume equal to?
End-Diastolic Area - End-Systolic Area
What TEE findings for Low SVR?
- Adequate End Diastolic area (EDA)
- Normal = 3.7 - 5.3 cm
- Hyperdynamic wall thickening
- Reduced End-Systolic Area (ESA)
What is the equation for SVR?
[(MAP - CVP) / CO] x 80
SVR normal values?
700 - 1600 dynes/sec/cm5
SV = CO / HR
What is the other TEE equation to determine SV?
Cross Sectional Area x Velocity Time Interval
VTI @ Mitral Valve Inflow
What are the key differences between a Low SVR state and Hypovolemia (alone) on TEE TG SAX views?
- EDA normal (3.7 - 5.3 cm) or adequate
- End Systolic Area reduced
- Hyperdynamic Wall thickening
- ED Diameter <2.5
End Diastolic area < 55 cm2
If you have a patient who has adequate TG Basal SAX contractility but has poor TG SAX and TG Apex contractility, what can be the diagnosis?
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
- Apical Ballooning Syndrome
- Broken Heart Syndrome
- Stress/Ampulla Cardiomyopathy
What is the pathophysiology of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy?
Not known
- Multivessel Epicardial Spasm (Ex: surprise bday party)
- Microvascular Spasm
- Catecholamine induced myocardial stunning
- Myocarditis
What population predominates in aquiring Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy?
Post-menopausal women
What can a LV Wall motion abnormality in Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy lead to?
LVOT Obstruction –> Hypotension and Refractory Heart Failure
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy has what small percent of presenting ACs as a sign?
1-2% present with ACS
Prognosis of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy?
>90% recover
>10% have recurrent
What specific wall motion abnormalities are associated with Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy?
Moderate-Severe Mid Ventricular Dysfunction
Apical Akinesis/Hypokinesis
Basal = Hyperkinetic
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy LVEF average?
Is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy reversible?
What is important to remember about regional wall motion abnormalities of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy?
Not confined to a single coronary artery distribution (Some have atypical Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy confined to single coronary)
What is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Type 1?
Takotsubo Type: Apical Akinesis and Basal Hyperkinesia
What is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Type 2?
Reversible Takotsubo
- Basal Akinesis and Apical Hyperkinesia
What is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Type 3?
Mid Ventricular Type:
1. Mid Ventricular Ballooning with basal and apical hyperkinesia
What is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Type 4?
Localized type: Any other LV Segmental Ballooning
What Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Type is most common?
Type 1:
Apical Akinesis and Basal Hyperkinesia