Required Practicals-Paper 1 Flashcards
What is the aim of the osmosis practical?
To investigate the range of concentrations of salt or sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue
What is the independent variable of the osmosis practical?
the concentration of salt or sucrose in mol/dm^3
What is the dependent variable of the osmosis practical?
the mass and the length of each potato cylinder before and after it has been submerged in solution-then calculate percentage change in length and mass
What are the control variables of the osmosis practical?
One of the boiling tubes should have distilled water, temperature, time, volume of solute in solution
What are some improvements that could be made to the osmosis practical?
What are the steps to the osmosis practical?
1)use a cork borer to cut 5 potato cylinders of the same diameter
2)use a scalpel and ruler to trim each potato cylinder so they’re all the same length-measure this length and record
3)measure the mass of each potato cylinder and record in a table of results
4)measure 10cm^3 of sugar or salt solution and pour into each boiling tube-label the tubes carefully
5)add one potato cylinder to each boiling tube and leave for a specified time
6)remove the potatoes blot and dry and record the final mass and length of each
What does a positive percentage change in mass mean(osmosis)?
A positive percentage change in mass indicates that the potato has gained water by osmosis (net movement of water from the solution into the potato) meaning the solution is more dilute,(negative percentage change is opposite)
What is the aim of the enzyme practical?
To investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase
What does amylase do?
Digests starch into maltose(starch can be tested for using iodine)
What are the steps to the enzyme experiment?
1)add iodine to a spotting tile
2)add amylse+buffer to a test tube and mix, then add starch solution and start the stopwatch
3)start the time
4)after 10 seconds, add a drop of solution to iodine in the spotting tile
5)repeat every 10 seconds until the iodine doesn’t change colour
6)repeat steps 1-5 using buffer solutions of different pH
What are some improvements to the enzyme method?
Use at water bath at 35 degrees to control temp, a colorimeter can be used to measure the progress of the reaction more accurately, all solutions that need to be used should be places in a water bath and allowed to reach the temperature before being used
What is the independent variable of the enzyme experiment?
What is the dependent variable of the enzyme experiment?
pH of the solution
What are some control variables in the enzyme experiment?
Temperature of the solution??, concentration of starch solution?
What is the aim of the transpiration experiment?
To investigate the role of environmental factors in determining the rate of transpiration from a leafy shoot