Republic: Early Republic Flashcards
In what year did the Roman Republic begin?
509 BC
What government officials replaced the kings as the chief magistrates in Rome during the Republic?
What two men became the first two consuls of Rome?
Brutus & Collatinus
Why did Collatinus step down from the consulship early in the Roman Republic?
He shared a name (“Tarquinius”) with Tarquinius Superbus
What early consul dies while fighting Aruns, the son of Tarquinius Superbus, at Silva Arsia in 509 BC?
What son of Tarquinius Superbus does Brutus kill at the battle of Silva Arsia, though he dies as well.
What 3rd consul of Rome was particularly popular with the people?
Valerius Puplicola (or Poplicola)
What early consul of Rome originally tried to build his house at the top of the Velian hill, but opted for the bottom as to not appear like a king?
Valerius Puplicola (or Poplicola)
What does the agnomen Publicola mean?
friend of the people
How many did the Plebeians secede throughout Roman history?
In what year did the Plebeians secede for the first time?
494 BC
What group fled to the Mons Sacer in 494 BC and threaten to found a new town if their demands were not met?
Who approaches the Plebeians on the Mons Sacer and convinces them to return from the secession in 494 BC by telling the parable of the “Belly and the Limbs”?
Menenius Agrippa
The Lex Sacrata created what new office to look out for the rights of Plebeians following their first secession in 494 BC?
In what year was the battle of Lake Regillus?
496 BC
At Lake Regillus in 496 BC, with whom did Tarquinius team up to fight the Romans?
The Latin League
What legendary twins are said to have aided the Romans at the Battle of Lake Regillus in 496 BC?
Castor & Pollux
Who was the Roman commander at the battle of Lake Regillus in 496 BC?
Aulus Postumius Albinus
In what year was the battle of Mt. Algidus?
458 BC
Who left his plow to rescue the army of Minucius from Mt. Algidus as dictator in 458 BC?
For how long did Cincinnatus serve as dictator rather than fulfilling his full 6 month term?
16 days
Where did Cincinnatus rescue the army of Minucius in 458 BC?
Mt. Algidus
In 493 BC, who earns his cognomen by capturing a Volscian town?
What staunch anti-plebeian was exiled from Rome only to return in 491 BC with an army of Volscians?
Who was dissuaded by Veturia and Volumnia, his wife and mother, from storming Rome with his army of Volscians?
What two women talked Coriolanus down from storming the city of Rome in 491 BC?
Veturia (his mother) & Volumnia (his wife)
Why did the Plebeians secede for a second time in 449 BC?
The Twelve Tables
What name is given to the codification of laws completed by the decemviri in 449 BC?
The Twelve Tables
Who served on both commissions of the decemviri in charge of codifying Roman law in 451 & 450 BC?
Appius Claudius Crassus
What girl did Appius Claudius Crassus love until her eventual death at the hands of her own father?
In what year were the Twelve Tables officially codified and promulgated?
449 BC
In what year was the Lex Canuleia?
445 BC
What did the Lex Canuleia allow in 445 BC?
Intermarriage between Plebeians
In what year did Veii fall after a 10 year siege to Camillus?
396 BC
After a 10 year siege, who finally captured Veii in 396 BC?
Who earned the nickname “Second Founder of Rome” after pushing the Gauls out of the city of Rome?
What Senonian chieftain led the Gallic sack of Rome in 390 BC?
In what year was the battle of Allia River?
390 BC
Where did Brennus defeat the Romans in 390 BC before continuing to sack Rome?
Allia River
When Brennus and the Gauls sack Rome in 390 BC, except for what hill, valiantly defended by Marcus Manlius?
Capitoline Hill
Who awoke to the honks of sacred geese of Juno to defend the Capitoline against the incoming Gauls?
Marcus Manlius Capitolinus
Geese sacred to what goddess awoke Marcus Manlius Capitolinus to defend the Capitoline Hill against the incoming Gauls in 390 BC?
Who shouts “Vae Victis” when the Romans complained about the amount of gold used to bribe him to spare the city in 390 BC?
What Latin phrase, meaning “woe to the conquered”, does Brennus utter to the overly complaining Romans in 390 BC?
Vae Victis
What law of 367 BC allowed one consul to be plebeian?
Lex Licinia-Sextia
In what year was the Lex Licinia-Sextia passed?
367 BC
Who was the first plebeian dictator in 356 BC?
Gaius Marcius Rutilus