Republic: Conquest of the Mediterranean Flashcards
Sicily became Rome’s first province following what war?
First Punic War
How many wars did Rome fight against the Macedonians?
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Ticinus River in 218 BC?
Terentius Varro and Aemilius Paullus lead the Romans at what disastrous battle of 216 BC?
What was first official battle of the First Punic War in 218 BC?
Ticinus River
What pretender to the Macedonian throne was defeated by Metellus Macedonicus in 148 BC?
What Roman dictator was known as the “shield of Rome”?
(Quintus) Fabius Maximus Cunctator
In the Third Macedonian War from 171-168 BC, who was leader of the Macedonian forces?
Along with Manlius Vulso, who led the Roman forces at Cape Ecnomus against the Carthaginians in 256 BC?
(Atilius) Regulus
At what battle in 255 BC does Xanthippus defeat the Romans and capture Regulus?
Bagradas Valley
At what battle in 217 BC did Hannibal defeat the Romans led by Gaius Flaminius, who dies in the battle?
Lake Trasimene
What famous Greek scientist valiantly defended Syracuse from Marcellus’s siege in 211 BC?
What war lasts from 200-196 BC?
Second Macedonian War
What “first national hero of Portugal” was famous for his guerilla warfare before his death at the hands of his own men?
In what year was the battle of Cannae?
216 BC
Who was known as the “sword of Rome”?
(Marcus Claudius) Marcellus
What Carthaginian general’s head was thrown into the Carthaginian camp following the battle of Metaurus River in 207 BC?
Hasdrubal Barca
At what battle of 168 BC does Aemilius Paullus defeat Perseus?
A column in the forum was set up for what Roman admiral who defeated the Carthaginians at Mylae in 260 BC?
Gaius Duilius
What year saw the first two battles of the 2nd Punic War, Ticinus River & Trebia River?
218 BC
During what war did Rome fight Demetrius of Pharos from 220-219 BC?
Second Illyrian War
What battle of 202 BC essentially ends the Second Punic War?
At what battle of 206 BC does Scipio (the Future) Africanus earn a victory and give Spain to Scipio and the Romans?
What Roman commander defeated Phllip V of Macedon at Cynoscephalae in 197 BC?
(Titus Quinctius) Flamininus
What group of mercenaries appealed to Rome for help against the Carthaginians predicating the First Punic War in 264 BC?
The treaty of Apamea ends what war in 188 BC?
Seleucid War
During what war did Rome fight pirates led by Queen Teuta from 229-228 BC?
First Illyrian War
Who was brought back to Rome by the Carthaginians so that he can tell the Romans to surrender, only to embolden them to fight on leading to his execution?
(Atilius) Regulus
What city does Scipio Aemilianus destroy in 146 BC?
Carthage (and also Corinth)
Along with Romulus and Cossus, what Roman becomes the third to wearn the spolia opima after the siege of Syracuse?
(Marcus Claudius) Marcellus
Who finally got his wish in 146 BC with Carthage’s destruction (albeit after his death) after years of ending speeches with “Carthago delenda est”?
Cato the Elder
In what battle of 207 BC did Claudius Nero and Livius Salinator defeat Hasdrubal Barca?
Metaurus River
Who was the leader of the Illyrian pirates in the First Illyrian War from 229-228 BC?
In 133 BC, what prolific Roman general conquered Numantia in Celtiberia?
Scipio Aemilianus
What Carthaginian general is defeated at Metaurus River by the forces of Claudius Nero and Livius Salinator?
Hasdrubal Barca
During what war was the battle of Pydna in 168 BC?
Third Macedonian War
Who earned an agnomen for his delaying tactics he employed against Hannibal as dictator during the Second Punic War?
(Quintus) Fabius Maximus Cunctator
What area becomes a Roman province in 146 BC after the sack of Corinth by Lucius Memmius?
Achaea (Greece)
Where did Lucius Mummius defeat the Achaean league in 146 BC and end the Roman-Greek conflict?
At what battle does Quinctius Flamininus defeat Philip V of Macedon in 197 BC?
Who was elected dictator following the disastrous battle of Lake Trasimene in 217 BC?
(Quintus) Fabius Maximus Cunctator
What Carthaginian admiral defeated Claudius Pulcher at Drepana in 249 BC?
During what war was the battle of Cannae?
Second Punic War
What area does Rome officially make a province in 146 BC?
Where did Rome suffer a brutal disaster in 216 BC at the hands of Hannibal?
Who was the leader of the Illyrians during the Second Illyrian War from 220-219 BC?
Demetrius of Pharos
Who earns his agnomen following the battle of Zama in 202 BC, ending the Second Punic War?
Scipio Africanus
With what Lusitanian chieftain does Rome fight from 146-140 BC?
During what war was the battle of Cynoscephalae?
Second Macedonian War
In what year was the battle of Aegates Islands, ending the first Punic War?
241 BC
Who saves his father at the battle of Ticinus River in 218 BC?
Scipio (the future) Africanus
At what naval battle did Claudius Pulcher throw the sacred chickens into the ocean since they wouldn’t eat, leading to a Roman defeat at the hands of Adherbal in 249 BC?
Over what Mediterranean island was the First Punic War fought?
What Celtiberian city was captured by Scipio Aemilianus in 133 BC?
Who defeats the Achaean league and sacks at Corinth in 146 BC?
(Lucius) Mummius
Who laid siege to Syracuse in 211 BC despite the best efforts of Archimedes?
(Marcus Claudius) Marcellus
With what leader of the Seleucid Empire does Rome war from 192-188 BC?
Antiochus III
What war lasts from 149-146 BC?
Third Punic War
Who was the leader of Carthage during the Second Punic War?
What war lasted from 218-201 BC?
Second Punic War
Between Terentius Varro and Aemilius Paullus, which consul died at the battle of Cannae in 216 BC?
Aemilius Paullus
During what war was the battle of Mylae?
First Punic War
In 226 BC, Rome signs what treaty with Carthage, promising that they won’t go north of a certain river in Spain?
Ebro Treaty
What battle ends the First Punic War in 241 BC?
Aegates Island
Following Ticinus River, at what battle does Hannibal again defeat Cornelius Scipio and Sempronius Longus in 218 BC?
Trebia River
What war lasts from 264-241 BC?
First Punic War
What battle proved the superiority of the Roman Legion over the Macedonian Phalanx?
What Numidian king allies with the Romans during the Second Punic War and helps them win Campi Magni and Zama?
Who defeats Hanno the Great at Aegates Islands in 241 BC, ending the First Punic War?
After acquiring Sicily as its first province, Rome then incorporates what two islands as its second province?
Sardinia and Corsica
During the Second Macedonian War, who was the leader of the Macedonian forces?
Philip V
In what year was the battle of Metaurus River?
207 BC
What Spartan mercenary was hired by Carthage to fight the Romans during the First Punic War?
At what battle of 256 BC did Regulus and Vulso defeat the Carthaginians during the First Punic War?
Cape Ecnomus
Of what empire was Antiochus III a leader in the early 2nd century BC?
What Roman general, the adopted grandson of Scipio Africanus, finally destroyed Carthage in 146 BC?
Scipio Aemilianus
Who is captured by the Spartan Xanthippus and the Carthaginians at Bagradas Valley in 255 BC?
Atilius Regulus
What Carthaginian general allied himself with Antiochus III in Seleucia following the Second Punic War?
Who declares peace and freedom for Greece at the Isthmian games of 196 BC?
(Titus Quinctius) Flamininus
Who found out that his brother Hasdrubal died when his head was flung into the Carthaginian camp following the battle of Metaurus River in 207 BC?
At what battle was Publius Cornelius Scipio saved by his son, Scipio the Future Africanus?
Ticinus River
Following the First Punic War, what island became Rome’s first province?
What Carthaginian does Catulus defeat at Aegates Island in 241 BC?
Hanno (the Great)
What war began when the Mamertines appealed to Rome for help against the Carthaginians in 264 BC?
First Punic War
What Spanish town was besieged by Carthage in 219 BC, leading to the Second Punic War?
In what year was the battle of Zama?
202 BC
“If they won’t eat, then let them drink” was reportedly uttered by what Roman admiral who threw the sacred chickens overboard before the battle of Drepana in 249 BC?
(Publius) Claudius Pulcher
What Latin phrase is Cato the Elder famous for saying regarding the destruction of Carthage?
Carthago delenda est
At what battle of 191 BC does Glabrio defeat Antiochus III during the Seleucid War?
Who was the victorious admiral at the battle of Mylae in 260 BC?
Gaius Duilius
In what year was the battle of Mylae?
260 BC
At what battle of 190 (or 189) BC does Scipio Africanus and his brother defeat Antiochus II during the Seleucid War?