Monarchy: Roman Monarchy Flashcards
How did Tullus Hostilius die?
In a fire from Jupiter’s lightning bolt
Who kills his brother after he insulted the Palatine hill?
Who is the second king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
Along what road is Servius Tullius killed by Tullia and Tarquinius Superbus?
Vicus Sceleratus
What king’s sons assassinate Tarquinius Priscus?
Ancus Marcius’s
On what hill did Romulus want to found a city since he saw 12 vultures fly overhead?
Palatine Hill
What giant sewer system in Rome was constructed by Tarquinius Superbus?
Cloaca Maxima
By throwing a spear into territory, what priests would declare war with other civilizations as established by Ancus Marcius?
What enemy commander does Romulus kill in single combat, earning him the spolia opima?
At what temple would Roman triumphs end?
Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus / Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Who took notice of Servius Tullius after his head lit aflame with no pain and took him under her wing as her protégé?
Who is the first king of Rome?
What one-eyed Roman hero bravely defends the Pons Sublicius against an incoming horde of Etruscans?
Horatius Cocles
What temple on the Capitoline was built by Tarquinius Superbus?
Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus / Jupiter Optimus Maximus
On what hill did Remus want to found a city since he saw 6 vultures fly overhead?
Aventine Hill
Where would the Romans conduct the Census as established by Servius Tullius?
Campus Martius
Including the time it takes to learn and to teach the practice, how long must a Vestal Virgin serve?
30 years
Who reportedly saw Romulus abducted into a storm?
Julius Proculus
What man took advantage of Lucretia and caused his father to be overthrown by Brutus & Collatinus?
Sextus Tarquinius
Who is the sixth king of Rome?
Servius Tullius
What god falls in love with Rhea Silvia?
Numa Pompilius was from what Sabine town?
To what city was Sextus Tarquinius sent to infiltrate from the inside by Tarquinius Superbus?
Who usurped the throne of Alba Longa from his brother Numitor?
What king of Alba Longa lost the throne to his brother Amulius?
Who was the wife of Romulus?
What Roman king was the first to introduce currency?
Servius Tullius
What two men teamed up to overthrow the Roman Monarchy and served as the first 2 consuls of Rome?
Brutus & Collatinus
What award, which Romulus won first for slaying Acron, is given to a Roman who defeats an enemy commander in single combat?
spolia opima
What woman led a group of fellow hostages across the Tiber back to Rome only to return at the request of the Etruscan king Lars Porsenna?
Give the exact date of Rome’s founding.
April 21st, 753 BC
Who was the 2nd Sabine king of Rome and grandson of Numa Pompilius?
Ancus Marcius
What economic class in Rome was descended from the first 100 senators in Rome?
Where did Ancus Marcius build a saltwater port just southwest of Rome?
Because Rome had very few men, the Romans abducted women from what neighboring tribe?
While Tarquinius Priscus “heals”, what man does Tanaquil install as regent of Rome?
Servius Tullius
As an infant, whose head burst into flames, an omen which Tanaquil foretold would lead to his eventual ascension to the Roman throne?
Servius Tullius’s
Following Mettius Fufetius’s treachery, Tullus Hostilius sacked Alba Longa except for what buildings?
What prison, Rome’s first, did Ancus Marcius build?
Mamertine Prison
What type of priestess was Rhea Silvia forced to become by Amulius?
Vestal Virgin
What daughter of Numitor was forced to become a Vestal Virgin by Amulius?
Rhea Silvia
What priest was the chief priest in Rome?
Pontifex Maximus
Who saw an eagle steal and return the hat of Tarquinius Priscus and foretold his ascension to the throne?
If a Vestal Virgin were to have a child, what punishment would they face?
Buried Alive
After a year in the Interregnum period, the Romans traveled to Cures to recruit what wise, old man to serve as king?
Numa Pompilius
Who understood that “his mother” was really Mother Earth and kissed the ground on his return from Delphi?
Who are the children of Mars & Rhea Silvia?
Romulus & Remus
What punishment did Mettius Fufetius face after breaking the terms of the triplet-duel with Rome?
Drawn and Quartered
What Alban king ordered Romulus and Remus to be thrown into the Tiber river?
What royal residence for kings was built by Numa Pompilius?
After Hersilia’s bravery, the Sabines integrated themselves into the city of Rome under what new name?
What three animals were sacrificed at the end of the census as part of the suovetaurilia?
pig, sheep, bull
What Sabine ruler co-ruled with Romulus?
Titus Tatius
What son of Tarquinius Superbus was sent to fraternize with the nobility in Gabii to destroy the city from the inside?
Sextus Tarquinius
Who wept for her fallen Alban fiance and was then killed by her Roman brother?
To what Etruscan capital does Tarquinius Superbus flee, where he befriends the king Lars Porsenna?
Upon what hill did Tullus Hostilius settle the Albans?
Tullia, the daughter of Servius Tullius, marries what arrogant man?
Tarquinius Superbus
What three triplets fought for Alba Longa against the Roman Horatii?
In an emulation of one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, Servius Tullius constructs what temple on the Aventine Hill?
Temple of Diana
What temple, whose doors were open in times of war and closed in times of peace, did Numa Pompilius construct?
Temple of Janus
What construction of what structure in between the Palatine & Aventine hills, which was used for chariot racing, was begun by Tarquinius Priscus?
Circus Maximus
What omen did Tanaquil see that foretold Tarquinius Priscus’s ascension to the throne?
An eagle stealing and returning Priscus’s hat
Who earned the nickname “Lefty” after sticking his right hand into a fire to demonstrate one final act of Roman virtue against Lars Porsenna?
Mucius Scaevola
What three triplets fought for Rome against the Alban Curiatii?
What two months were added to the calendar by Numa Pompilius
January & February
What future king does Ancus Marcius befriend and make guardian of his children?
Tarquinius Priscus
What bridge over the Tiber was constructed by Ancus Marcius?
Pons Sublicius
What did Romulus call the first 100 senators in Rome, perhaps in reference to their status as “founding fathers” of the city?
Following Romulus’s disappearance, Rome entered with period “in between kings”?
By opening the gates to the Sabine soldiers, who betrayed Rome in exchange for “what [the soldiers] bore on their left arms”?
What was the original Etruscan name of Tarquinius Priscus before he immigrated to Rome from Etruria?
Who is the wife of Faustulus?
Acca Larentia
What city did Mettius Fufetius provoke into a war against Rome?
What series of prophetic books did Tarquinius Superbus buy 3 of at the price of 9?
Sibylline Books
What man does Tarquinius Superbus and his wife kill along the Vicus Sceleratus?
Servius Tullius
Which king of Rome made Rome an asylum state, paving the way for anyone to settle as a citizen?
What animal rescues Romulus & Remus from the Tiber River?
Lupa / a (she)wolf
Who is the third king of Rome?
Tullus Hostilius
Whose sons does Tanaquil send away, paving the way for his own ascension to the Roman throne?
Ancus Marcius’s
What was the primary function of a Vestal Virgin?
Maintain the sacred fire
Hoping to earn gold bracelets, who instead met her death after being crushed by shields and Sabine soldiers?
What Alban king went against the terms of his deal with Tullus Hostilius by provoking Fidenae into fighting Rome?
Mettius Fufetius
What Etruscan woman did Tarquinius Priscus marry?
What shepherd finds and raises Romulus & Remus with his wife Acca Larentia?
Who is the seventh king of Rome?
Tarquinius Superbus
What Etruscan king does Tarquinius Superbus befriend and convince to war with Rome?
Lars Porsenna
What Roman king was abducted by a storm and became deified as the god Quirinus?
From what region were both Tanaquil and Tarquinius Priscus?
What name was given to the bodyguards who would accompany Roman magistrates?
With human hair, an onion, and live fish, what Roman king could allegedly control thunder and lightning?
Numa Pompilius
What Roman king instituted the Census?
Servius Tullius
Who are the parents of Romulus & Remus?
Mars & Rhea Silvia
What “big-wife-guy” became so enraged over the death of his wife Lucretia that he teamed up with Brutus to overthrow Tarquinius Superbus?
What name was given to the bundle of rods which the Lictors would carry?
What king of Rome was fittingly the son of Hostius, who fought in the war against the Sabines?
Tullus Hostilius
Who was the wife of Collatinus, whose death sparked a rebellion against the Roman Monarchy?
Against what city, ruled by Mettius Fufetius, did Tullus Hostilius war?
Alba Longa
As what Roman god was Romulus deified?
Into what river were Romulus & Remus thrown in their infancy?
Who threw herself into the middle of Roman and Sabine soldiers and called for peace?
What defensive structure was built with tufa around the city of Rome by its 6th king?
Servian Wall
With what nymph is Numa said to consult?
What chief priest of Jupiter had a number of insane restrictions such as the inability to touch anything metal or to ride a horse?
Flamen Dialis
Who is the fourth king of Rome?
Ancus Marcius
Who is the fifth king of Rome?
Tarquinius Priscus
What priests of Mars were most famous for their leaping/dancing ritual?
What strange omen happened on the Caelian hill perhaps because of Tullus Hostilius’s neglecting of religion?
Shower of stones