Customs: Roman Government Flashcards
What was the cursus honorum?
“course of honors”; the steps a Roman would take in their political career
What was the order of the cursus honorum?
Start as quaestor, then praetor, then consul
What Roman office acted as commander of military forces and presided over meetings of the Senate?
How many consuls were elected annually?
What Roman office acted as a supreme civil judge?
How many praetors were elected annually?
What Roman office was primarily in charge of the treasury?
What Roman office would count and keep a register of all citizens and controlled public morals?
How often were censors elected?
How long did a censor serve?
Elected every 5 years
Would serve for 18 months
What Roman office would possess supreme military and judicial authority in times of crisis?
Which assembly was the oldest and met only as a formality?
comitia curiata
suo anno
refers to someone who completed the cursus honorum in their first year of eligibility
senate house
What bodyguards would carry fasces
What bundle of rods did the lictors hold as a symbol of power?
What Roman office was in charge of public games, festivals, and the maintenance of buildings?
Which assembly elected the plebeian offices?
concilium plebis
praetor peregrinus
dealt with foreign affairs
What Roman office could veto any act passed by the Roman government and was created to speak for the Plebeians?
Which assembly elected major offices (consul, praetor, quaestor, censor)?
comitia centuriata
For how long would a dictator (typically) serve if chosen by the senate?
6 months
governor of a province
What group would choose a dictator?
The senate
What Roman priest oversaw the entire religion of the state?
Pontifex Maximus
How many lictors would accompany a praetor?
praetor urbanus
“city praetor”; sheriff
novus homo
first member of his family to hold office
How many lictors would accompany a consul?
consul suffectus
consul chosen to replace another consul mid-term
How many lictors would accompany a dictator?
magister equitum
“master of the cavalry”; dictator’s assistant
Which assembly elected minor offices (quaestor, curule aedile, pontifex maximus)?
comitia tributa