Repro anatomy images and histology Flashcards
Venous drainage
left ovary/testis –> left gonadal vein –> left renal vein –> IVC
right ovary/testis –> right gonal vein –> IVC
Lymphatic drainage of ovaries and testes
para-aortic lymph nodes
Lymphatic drainage of distal vagina/vulca/scrotum
superficial inguinal nodes
Lymphatic drainage of proximal vagina and uterus
obturator, external iliac and hypogastric nodes
Infudibulopelvic ligament (suspensory ligament of ovaries)
connects: the ovaries to the pelvic wall
contains: ovarian vessles
Notes: ligate vessels during oophorectomy to avoid bleeding, the ureter is at risk of unjury during ligation as it close to the gonadal vessels

cardinal ligament
connects: cervix to side wall of pelvis
contains: uterine vessels
notes: ureter is at risk during ligation of uterine vessels in hysterectomy
round ligament of the uterus
connects: uterine fundus to labia majoria
notes: derivitive of the gubernaculum, travels through round inguinal canal; above the artery of sampson

Broad ligament
- mesosalpixm, mesovarium, mesometrium
connects: uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries to the pelvic SIDE WALL
contains: ovaries, fallopian tubes, round ligaments of uterus

Ovarian ligament
connects: the ovary to the lateral uterus
note: derivative of the gubernaculum.

stratified squamous epithelium, non keratinized

stratified squamoys epithelium, non keratinized

stratified columnar epithelium

Transformation zone
squamocolumnar junction (most common area for cervical cancer)

-siimple columnar epithelium with long tubular glands
Fallopian tube:
simple columnar epithelium, many ciliated cells, few secretory (peg) cells

Ovary, outer surface: simple cuboidal epithelium (germinal epithelium covering surface of ovary)

Female sexual response
autonomic nervous system
male sexual response
parasympathetic nervous system point and shoot
pelvic nerve:
-NO –> increase cGMP –> smooth muscle relaxation –> vasodialtion –> proerectile, as blood flows is
NE–> increase Ca intracellular –> smooth muscle contraction –> vasoconstriction –> antierectile
emission: sympathetic nervous system (hypogastric nerve)
ejaculation: visceral and somatic nerves (pudendal)
male reproductive anatomy

seminiferous tubules