Reporting Systems and Ship Routeing Flashcards
What is the purpose of a ship reporting systems?
To provide data for search and rescue, vessel traffic services, weather forecasting, and pollution prevention
Where can guidelines and general principles for ship reporting systems be found?
IMO Resolution A.851(20)
What information should be included in ship reports?
- Ship identification
- Position
- Course and speed
- Destination
- Cargo (Especially DGs)
- Weather conditions
Where can information on mandatory ship reporting systems be found?
- Admiralty List of Radio Signals (ALRS) Volume 6
- IMO Ship Routeing Guide
Give me an example of mandatory ship reporting systems
- CALDOVREP (Calais Dover reporting system)
- THAMESREP (Thames reporting system)
What is a ship roueting guide?
An essential resource that enhances the safety of navigation, protects the marine environment, and optimize traffic flow.
What are some key routeing measures?
- Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS)
- Deep Water Routes
- Precautionary Areas
- Inshore Traffic Zones
- No Anchoring Areas
What is VTS?
Vessel Traffic Services are shore-side systems used to improve safety and efficiency by providing information services, navigational assistance, and aiding traffic organization
What are some VTS reporting requirements?
- Entry and Exit from a VTS area providing ship details
- Position reports whilst navigating a VTS area
- Incident reports
What are Routeing charts?
Charts that provide specific information for a region and season to help plan optimal voyages
What are some key features of routeing charts?
- Recommended routes with distances between major ports
- Expected weather conditions for each month of the year
- Ice limits
- load lines
- wind roses - direction and speed
- Ocean currents - direction and speed