MARPOL Annex 6 Flashcards
Which ships does Annex 6 apply to?
All ships 400GT or above
or with engines that have a power output greater than 130Kw
What air pollution does it apply to?
- NOx (Nitrogen Oxides)
- SOx (Sulphur Oxides)
- Particulate Matter
What is an ECA?
Emission Control Area (ECA) is an area where special mandatory measures for ship emissions is required to control air pollution to protect human health and the environment
What is the max allowable sulfur content for ships inside an ECA?
0.10% m/m
Whats the max allowable global sulphur content?
0.50% m/m
What is a SEEMP?
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan is a document which outlines how a ship can improve energy efficiency and can form part of the SMS
What certificates apply to Annex 6?
- International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP)
- International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEE)
What is the validity of an IAPP certificate?
5 years
What is the validity of an IEE Certificate?
Valid for the ships lifetime
What are some substances prohibitied from shipboard incineration?
- Cargo residues from Annex I, II, & III
- PCBs
- Garbage containing traces of heavy metals
- refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds
- Sewage sludge and sludge oil
- Exhaust gas cleaning system residues