MARPOL Annex 2 Flashcards
What are the categories of Noxious Liquid Substances?
- Category X
- Category Y
- Category Z
- Other
Category X definition
Presents a major hazard to marine resources or human health
Category Y definition
Presents a hazard to marine resources or human health
Category Z definition
Presents a minor hazard to marine resources or human health
Other Substances definition
Presents no harm to marine resources or human health
Where must records be made for ships carrying NLS?
Cargo Record Book
What should be recorded in a cargo record book?
- Loading/Unloading cargo
- Internal transfer of cargo
- mandatory prewash
- cargo tank cleaning except prewash
- Discharge of tank washings into the sea
- Ballasting of cargo tanks
- Discharge of ballast water from cargo tanks
- Accidental or other exceptional discharges
Each entry shall be signed by the officer in charge and the Master and retained for how long?
3 years
What are the discharge standards for NLS where permitted
- En route at a speed of 7 knts for self-propelled ships and 4 knts for non self-propelled
- discharged below the waterline through underwater outlets
- Minimum 12nm from the nearest land with water at least 25m deep
What is SMPEP?
Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan
What MARPOL Annexes can be combined in SMPEP?
Annex 1 SOPEP and Annex 2 SMPEP
Ships complying with Annex 2 must have what certificate?
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
How long is the NLS Certificate valid for?
5 Years
What are the surveys for a NLS Certificate?
- Initial Survey
- Intermediate Survey
- Annual Survey
- Additional Survey
When is the Intermediate survey performed?
Within +/- 3 months from the 2nd or 3rd anniversary
When is the Additional survey performed?
Whenever important repairs or renewals are made