Renal Conditions Flashcards
What is incontinent urinary diversion?
Diversion to the skin requiring a pouch to collect the urine
Most simple form is the cutaneous ureterostomy
What is a double J catheter?
Also known as ureteral stent
What is the best way to prevent Acute Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis (APSGN)?
Early diagnosis and treatment of sore throats and skin lesions
What is another name for anti-glomerular basement disease?
Goodpasture syndrome
What is Goodpasture syndrome or anti-glomerular basement disease?
Autoimmune disease where antibodies attack the glomerular and alveolar basement membrane damaging kidneys and lungs
What are the symptoms of Goodpasture syndrome or anti-glomerular basement disease?
-Shortness of breath
-Pulmonary insufficiency
What is hemoptysis?
Coughing up blood
What kind of medications are used to treat Goodpasture syndrome?
Glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive
How is Goodpasture syndrome treated?
-Plasmapheresis to remove anti-GBM antibodies from circulation
-Dialysis and kidney transplant
What is nephrotic syndrome?
Occurs when the glomerulus is excessively permeable to plasma protein causing proteinuria
What kind of diet should the patient with nephrotic syndrome adopt?
-Low/moderate protein
What is nephrolithiasis?
Kidney stone disease
What are the 5 stones that occur with renal calculi?
-Calcium oxalate
-Calcium phosphate
-Uric acid
What is the most common type of renal stone?
Calcium oxalate
What is the treatment of calcium oxalate urinary stones?
-Increase hydration
-Reduce oxalate intake
-Reduce animal protein and sodium
-Increase calcium, fruits, and vegetables
-Thiazide diuretics
What renal stone is more common in women?
Struvite; always associated with UTIs
What are clinical manifestations of renal stones?
-Flank pain
-Can’t sit still (kidney dance)
-Pain can be present and severe or absent if not obstructing
-Mild shock with cool, moist skin
-Testicular or labial pain
-Groin pain
-UTI manifestations (dysuria, fever, and chills)
What is lithotripsy?
A method of using shock waves to break up kidney stones
What manifestations are common in a patient with nephrotic syndrome?
-Peripheral edema
What kind of kidney stone is associated with a genetic defect?
Why is fluid intake important for a patient with a UTI?
-Dilutes the urine
-Decreases irritation of the bladder
-Flushes out bacteria
What is pyelonephritis?
Inflammation of the renal collecting system usually beginning with infection of the lower urinary tract
What are clinical manifestations of pyelonephritis?
-Tenderness during percussion of the costovertebral angle
-Urinalysis indicating pyuria, bacteria, and hematuria
-Anatomic abnormalities detected by CT scan and ultrasound
What is interstitial cystitis (Painful bladder syndrome)?
Chronic, painful urinary condition caused by:
-Neurogenic hypersensitivity of lower urinary tract
-Immune system attacking the bladder
-Production of toxic substance in the urine
What drug is commonly used to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease?
What is Alport syndrome?
Inherited disorder that damages tiny blood vessels in the kidneys when a mutated gene deposits bad collagen in the basement membrane of the kidneys making it difficult for them to filter
What does intravesical mean?
Within the bladder
Drugs can’t be used to treat what kind of urinary incontinence?
Stress UI
What kind of drugs can be used to treat urinary incontinence?
-Anticholinergic drugs
What kinds of things can cause overflow incontinence?
-Herniated disc
-Neurogenic bladder
-Diabetic neuropathy
What kinds of things can cause urge incontinence?
Interstitial cystitis (bladder pain syndrome)
CNS disorders (brain tumors)
Bladder disorders
What medication is used in a patient with a voiding dysfunction to increase the bladder’s storage capacity?