Renal and Urinary Semiology Flashcards
Scrotal transillumination
Hydrocele, spermatocele, varicocele
Test torsion
Acute, unilateral scrotal pain usually occurring in adolescent due to suddern twisting of spermatic cord produciing ischemia
Tende,r edematous, and indurated
Elevation does NOT relieve pain
Testicular mass or nodule
Assumed to cancer if non-tender and solid…most common solid form in men 15-35
Dilatation of the pampiniform plexus of spermatic veins…scrotal enlargement feeling like a bag of worms
Disappear with recumbence and examining finger cannot find superior margin
More often left-sided and usually asx…can cause infertility
Rarely may signla left renal cell carcinoma if it invades left renal vein
Genital wart
HPV infection with risk of penile carcinoma
Herpes simplex lesion
HSV 2 infection
Primary about 6 days afdter exposure and is painful with dysuria, fever, inguinal adenopathy and headache
Recurrent is milder
Asx may shed and transmit
Inability to replace a retracted foreskin
Very painful and increasing edema will result in ischmia and necrosis
Penile cancer
Squamous cell is most common as a papule due to HPV
Inability to retract foreakin….strong SCC risk factor
Syphuilitic chancre
Painless about 1 days after exposure reflecting site of spirochete entry
SOlitary papule that ulcerates, is indurated and without exudate
Direct hernia
Weakness in ab wall musc
DIRECTLY through abdominal wall
Touches side of finger in inguinal canal
Indirect hernia
Indirectly into scrotal sac via inguinal canal
Touches tip of examining finger in infuinal canal
Through femoral canal and inf to inguinal ligament
Palpable kidnye
Adult polycystic kidney dz, renal cell carcinoma, angiomyiolipoma (TS), and rare xanthogranulomatous pyeloneprhitis
CVA tenderness
Swelling of renal capsule….most commonly from pyeloneprhitis buyt also could be hydroneprhossi