Pulmonary Podcast Flashcards
Pack years
packs/day times years smoked
Risk factor for emphysema, chronic broncihtis, and lung cancer
Occupational exposures
Asbestos - old insulation, ship workers, auto mechanics
Adult onset asthma - Baker’s
Slica and coal dust as well
Disconnect between expect amount of breathing and system output
Exertion should worsen…pts will also accomodate to chronic states
Resp distress
Posture - should be upright if able…don’t place supine until ready to intubate
Acc muscle use
Paradoxial abdominal motion - chest goes out and abdomen in with inspiration…indicates diaphragmatic problem
Insp and exp acc muscles
Insp - scalene, SCM, trap, intercostals
Exp - abdominal
Hoover’s sign
Inf chest pulled inward with insp…indicates hyperexpansion
Tactile fremitus
Inc - pneumonia
Dec- penumothroax
Pleural effusion and atelectasis have reduced fremitus despite dullness
Dull note - pleural fluid, consolidation,. collapse
Hyperresonant - hyperexp, or pneumothroax
Breaht sounds
Wheezes - narrowed small airways
Rhonchi - fluid in large airways
Fine crackles - opening of alveolar structures - interstitial fibrosis
Coarse crackles - fluid in small airways - pneumonia
Consolidation findings
Whispered pectoriloquey
Dxx of unilateral dullness to percussion
If shift toward the dull side…look for atelectasis or pneumothorax (dull side normal) or pnuemonia
If tracheal shift away from dull side…think atelectasis or pneumothorax
If no tracheal shift - look for consolidation signs or dec breaht sounds
If trachealshift away from dull side - think pleural effusion