Nail Findings Semiology Flashcards
Arcal lentiginous melanoma
With nail bed involvement the nail plate may have dark/brown discoloration
Beaus lines
Trnasverse groooved lines parallel to lunula occuring after illness
Soft tissue growht at the nail bed and ID’d by nothing great A-P distance compared to distance at DIP
Thoracic dz - cyanotic congen HD, CF, PF< lung cancer, hepatic cirrhosis
Nail curve upward away from nailbed…iron def
Linday’s nails
Proximal portion of nail is pale and whitish while distal 20-60 is brown bind or reddish ….Renal fialure
Mees lines
Transverse white band parallel to lunula
Arsenic intox but may thallium or after lymhpoma or laria…most common following cancer chemo
Muehrckes lines
2 or more paird transvere white bands associated with sever ehypoalbuminemia
Nail pitting
SMall dep in nail presnet in up to 50% of pts with psoriasis
Separation of nail plate forom hyponychium…traumatic, psoriasis, hyperthyroid
Periungual fibroma
Flesh color papula of naul folds (more in toes)…T.S
Quitter nail
Heavy cigarrette smoking leads to orange-brown discoloration of nails…normal proximal iwth distal discoloration inducates cessation
Splinter hemorrhage
Small or brown red streaks perpendicular to lnula and involving distal
Microembolism from IE…also from scleroderma and trichinosis
Terrys naisl
Prox paleness of nails with only 1-2 mm of preseverd pink distal border
Liver cirrhoiss or other sewvere med conditions