Hand Findings Semiology Flashcards
Marfan syndrome - long fingers
Bouchards node
Protuberance of PIP without inflammation - osteoarthritis
Boutonnirere dermotiy
Ex at DIP and flexion at PIP…severe and chronic RA
Dupuytrans contracture
SHorteirng of finger flexors in the palm…alcohol abuse and cirrhorsis
Heberdens node
Bony protuberance of DIP without inflammation - OA
Janeway lesion
Painless red macular lesion of palsm/soles produced by emoblism, due to IE
Joint hypermobility
Ability to dorsiflex 5th finger more than 90 degres…Ehler-s Danglos
Large-fleshy hands
Acromegaly if no rings
Mechanics hands
Thickened, cracke,d and dirty appearing palmar skin…anti-synthetase syndrome of DM
Osler node
Subacture bac endocarditis…painful and red raised lesion of ventral surface of fingers and toes from IC depostion
Of nail peds and palsm associated iwth severe anemia
Swan neck
Ext at PIP and flexion at DIP…severe, chronic RA