ENT Podcast Flashcards
Weber test
tests for lateralization
If can hear in the right then
Right sided conductive or left sided sensorineural hearing loss
Rinne test
Bone should conduct less than air
If hear bone better than air, then ipsilateral conductive hearing loss
If not, then can rule this out
Sinus transillumination
If can see through maxillary sinusitis, then can be exluded
NOT specific
Lymph nodes
Malignant tend to be rock hard and fixed to underlying structures
Supraclavicular common in cancer
Rmasay hunt
Relapsiing polychondritis
Zoster of geniculate ganglion with facial nerve palsy
Auditory canal invovlemt
inflamed external ear
Exuberant scar following trauam
Nasal septal performation and saddle nose
Truama Cocaine Polychondritis GPA Syph Sarcoid
Polyps of nasal cavity
Soft jelly like from sinus inflammation
Sx through obstruction
Asthma is a freuqent concomitant condition
Acute sinusitis
Sinus ostia obstruction
Facial and max tooth pain
Periorbital celulitis, meningitis, subdural empyema, cranial sinus thrombosis
Oral cancer
Most are squamous cell carcinoma
Infectious and inflam
Bilateral - viral and inflam
UNiulat - staph
Cuases of exudate
GAS, fusobacterium, EBV, gonorrhea