Reminder 3 Flashcards
What personality disorder requires you be over 18
Can dx others before, but must have sx for one year
Beginning in adolescence, the rate of MDD for women is what compared to men
1.5-3x greater
Results of sexual reassignment surgery
Reduces distress and sx of gender dysphoria
F2M individuals have even better outcomes
Used in the tax of eating disorders
Focuses on:
Clinical perfectionism
Low self-esteem
Interpersonal deficits
Mean age of onset for specific phobia
7-11 years generally
Sx of Neurocognitive disorder dt HIV
Psychomotor retardation
(Aphasia in neurocog due to Alz)
Alcohol abuse in immigrants
Emigrated as a child
Been in the US 20 years
Treatment for childhood onset fluency disorder (stuttering)
Habit reversal training
Regulated breathing is part of it
Key component of social anxiety
Fear of being embarrassed or humiliated
Severity of conduct disorder is measured by
Number of sx or problems
Severity of harm to others
Rates of major depressive episodes in pregnancy
3-6% experience episodes just before birth or few weeks postpartum
50% of episodes begin during pregnancy
POV of interpersonal therapy (IPT)
Dx are medical conditions
Not your fault
Treatment of depression with MBCT
Adopt a decentered position at the onset of depressive symptoms
Structural family therapy
When parents avoid discussing their issues by blaming them on the child
Stages of Troiden’s homosexual identity theory:
Identity confusion
Identity assumption
Turning unacceptable impulses into socially desirable actions
What drives incongruence between self and experiences
Issues of worth
“Old fashioned racism”
Autoplastic v Alloplastic
Autoplastic - person makes changes to fit their environment
Alloplastic - environment changes to fit the person/people
Mahler’s stages
Normal autistic stage (first few weeks)
Normal symbiotic stage
Ideomotor apraxia occurs where
Left hemisphere (dominant)
Tactile agnosia
Can’t recognize items by touch
Damage to parietal lobe
Stephens Power Law
Declarative memory problems
Bilateral damage to the medial temporal lobe
Hypervigilance of PTSD is caused by…
Hyperactivity of the amygdala
Damage to right v left hemisphere
Right controls angry emotions
Damage = indifference
Left controls positive emotions
Damage = catastrophic reactions
Body’s ability to MAINTAIN STABILITY during times of stress
What part of the brain is used for planning and executing movement
Includes the caudate nucleus and the putamen of the basal ganglia
Don’t realize you have issues
Lack of recognition of the part of the body
Ex. Don’t know a part of the body is yours you think it belongs to someone else
Treatment for neuropathic pain
Ex. Amitryptiline or nortryptiline
What percentage of Parkinson’s patients experience depression
With onset prior to motor symptoms for some
Atypical antipsychotic
Side effect is agranulocytosis
Age-related atrophy areas of the brain
Frontal and parietal lobes
Adjusting a preexisting schema, or forming a new one, in light of new information
Bowlby said attachment leads to…
Internal working models of how we view ourselves and others
Five components of gender identity
Egan and Perry
Knowledge of your own gender category Self-perceived typicality of your gender Contentment with your gender Pressure to conform to your gender Intergroup bias
Deferred imitation
When a child views other kids playing, and imitates their play the next day
The final stage (6 of 6) of Piaget’s sensorimotor stage
Ages 18-24
Bronfenbrenner’s levels
Micro - immediate environment Meso - interactions of micro Exo - indirect environment Macro - social and cultural Chrono - over time changes
The link between academic achievement in children and academic involvement in parents is strongest with what style of parenting
What has the least impact on children of divorce
From dad
Frequency of contact
What age does stranger anxiety begin
The increase of marital satisfaction in women after children leave the home is due to…
Increase of quality time with their husbands
Two phases of Rorschach
Free association
Goal is to collect data for coding
Ages of WPPSI
2:6 - 7:7
Fake bad profile on MMPI
High F
Low K
Personality assessment associated with Murray
Factors of the SB5
Fluid reasoning Knowledge Quantitative reasoning Visuo-Spatial Processing Working memory
Leiter-3 subtests
MARV (Nonverbal rest of fluid intelligence) Memory Attention Reasoning Visualization
Group version of AB single subject design
Time series group design
Canonical correlation
When the predictors will be used to estimate someone’s status on a criteria
ANOVA > multiple t-tests because…
Reduces the experimentwise error rate
Experimentwise error rate
Probably of making a T1E due to running multiple statistical comparisons
SEM is used to construct…
Confidence intervals around a test score
Y-intercept of ICC curve
Probability of getting an item correct due to guessing
T scores
Mean of 50 standard deviation of 10
At t=50 (or z=0)… The stanine is 5
It increases or decreases by one depending on which direction you go for your SDs
Consensual observer effect
When observers compare scores
Can artificially increase interrater reliability scores
Can a graduate program require students to disclose tx history
Yes, as long as the information is spelled out beforehand in the admissions materials
Informed consent is not needed when…
- When investigating normal educational practices
- Naturalistic observation or archival research WHEN there is no risk of liability to damage to the people whose data you’re using
Billing insurance companies for missed appointments…
Not okay
Because you’re misleading the insurance company (providing them with inaccurate information)
Deception is okay when…
When the study is justified in its value
People can withdraw at any time
Can you see friends of current, or past therapy clients?
Multiple relationships - not okay
House’s path-goal theory of leadership
Based on characteristics of the EMPLOYEE
Four types of leaders (DAPS): directive, achievement-oriented, participative, supportive
3Cs of hardiness
Control (control over ones own life)
Commitment (to work and family)
Challenge (see new opportunities as challenges)
Ohio State University study
Behaviors of leaders
Initiating structure and consideration
How to prevent groupthink
Leaders remain neutral at beginning of discussions
Allow everyone to discuss their opinions
Appoint a member as devils advocate
Stages of Lewis’s model of planned change
Taylor’s scientific management
What drives motivation
Desire for economic gain
Criterion contamination
When a supervisor rates employees based on their performance scores of hiring measures
What’s the best way to increase job motivation and satisfaction
(Per Herzberg’s two-factor)
Job enrichment
Actor-observer effect
When actors attribute their behaviors to situational factors
Observers attribute actors behavior to dispositional factors
Schachter-Singers epinephrine study is an example of
Self-perception theory
Behavior is predicted by what
Azjen & Fishbein
Theory of planned behavior
Two components of elaboration likelihood model
Central and peripheral routes of processing information
Prototype/willingness model
Willingness to engage in a behavior depends on the persons perceived acceptability of the prototype
Pegword method
Make up a rhyme, with each word serving as a reminder for something else