Religion Exam Materials Flashcards
What is mature
The development of emotion, mentality and physical of a person
What are different types of maturity
Physical, intellectual, social, emotional, moral, spiritual
How do you grow spiritual maturity?
By having a relationship with God
What are the mature mindsets
Positive (look for positive part), proactive (take action/respond), critical (analyze), comprehensive (whole thinking)
What is in the greatest commandments, Matthew 22:37-40
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind. Love the neighbor as yourself.
What are the ten commandments
You shall have no other gods before our God
You shall remember the day of Sabbath
You shall honor your parents
You shall not make false idols and worship them
You shall not misuse the name of God
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet your neighbor’s property
The fear of god is the beginning of … but fools despise wisdom and instruction
Now faith is the … of things hoped for, the … of things not seen
substance, evidence
Jesus grew in … and … and in … of God and man
wisdom, stature, favor
In order, fruits of the spirit
love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self control
What are the four types of LOVE?
Eros - Romantic Love
Storge - Family Love
Philia - Brotherly Love
Agape - God’s Love
What is norms?
The rules about humans behavior in social life in society
What is value?
The ideal, standard behaviors
What are the four types of norms?
Religious, politeness, morality/conscience, law
What are the three characteristics of value?
Abstract - Can not be sensed, but can be felt
Normative - Hopes, ideals and a must so value has an ideal nature
Motivator - Supporter, based and driven by their belief
Who was the First Martyr
The story of Good Samaritan is an example of
What are the function of Holy Spirits 10
Helper who teaches and reminds Convicts the world of sin God's presence in the lives of believers Source of wisdom, revelation and power Guides to all truth Give spiritual gifts Seal in the lives of believers Helps us in our weakness Gives life because of righteousness Prevent you to be indulged in fresh desires