Relevant assessments Flashcards
Slump test assesses for what?
Disc pathology, sciatic nerve problems and hamstring strain.
Positive sign in the slump test
Numbness and tingling down the leg.
How can disc pain be differentiated from hamstring or nerve pain in the slump test?
If the pain still remains even when the back is straight, the pain is not a disc.
How can hamstring pain be differentiated from nerve problems in the slump test?
If ankle dorsiflexion worsens the symptoms, it is a nerve problem.
Well leg in the straight leg/well leg test
Asymptomatic leg
How is the straight leg/ well leg test performed?
Patient is supine. Therapist passively flexes hip and monitors for neurological symptoms.
Homann’s test tests for what?
Homann/s test protocal
Press on space between gastroc heads, dorsiflex foot
Flexion test protocol
Hook thumbs under PSIS, have patient lean forward. Identify which PSIS moves first and further.
What do you do if standing flexion test is positive?
Perform the seated flexion test
FABER test
General ROM test for the hip
FABER test protocol
Patient makes figure 4.
Positive sign in FABER test
When the problem side is unable to move as far or there is compensatory motion allowing this movement.
Patrick’s test tests for…
Compression on the SI joint
Patrick’s test protocol
Patient assumes figure 4. Therapist places hand on opposite ASIS. Therapist pushes down on leg and looks for pain in the SI region.
Adsen’s test protocol
Find radial pulse, raise arm to 90 degrees, turn head towards the hand, have patient inhale.
Adsen’s test tests for what?
Impingement by the anterior scalene on the thoracic bundle
Travell’s test tests for what?
Impingement by the middle scalene on the thoracic bundle
Purpose of Wright’s test
Impingement by pectoralis minor on the neurovascular bundle
Wrist’s test protocol
Find the radial pulse, bring arm into full abduction, intensify with a forced breath.
Costoclavicular impingement test protocol
With palm facing forwards, find pulse. Move the shoulder into hyperextension. Intensify with forced inhalation.
Halstead’s maneuver tests for what?
Neural tension
Halstead’s maneuver protocol
Rotate the palm forward, abduct to 30 degrees. Pull the hand back. Intensify by side bending the neck away and extending the wrist.
Positive sign in Halstead’s maneuver
Tingling and numbness in the palm