Relationship and Familys Part 2 Flashcards
What is consummated?
When the requirements for a marriage are met.
What is adultery
When a married person has sex with someone who isn’t there husband/wife
Deffine extramarital
Something occuring outside marriage
What is Marriage
When 2 people agree to be together for the rest of there lives
What is the sancity of life.
the belif that all life was made by god and is
This will make you closer to God
What is concent
You are agreeing with free will
What is an annulment
This can be given by the catholic church if they believe that a marriage was never consumated.
This basicy says that the marriage never happened
What is a dicorce
When you legally end a marriage (the catholic church doesn’t recognises divorces
What is remarriage
When you marry again after a divorce
Not in the catholic church because they don’t allow it
What is a complement
When things join together to boost each others atributes.
When people get married they complement each other
What is gender prejudice?
Expecting a man or women to act in a perticular way because of there sex.
What is gender discrimination
Treating men or women differently because of there sex
What are the 2 main main meanings in this quote
“God created humans in his image; male and female he created them” Genesis 1:27
God is in all of us
All people are equal
Give 2 catholic teachings on homosexuality
It is ok although it is not advices by the Catholic Church (it isn’t a sin to have homosexual feelings)
You can’t get married to someone of the same sex because it isn’t procreative
2 Catholic views on same sex marriage?
Who will do same sex marrages?
You can’t be procreative so it isn’t sacramental
You can’t have a same sex marriage
Other Protestant churches will do same sex marriages
2 contrasting views on same sex marriages?
It is legal in the UK
Many Christians think that the Catholic Church needs to adapt in mordern times.
State a bible quote which is against contreception
“Be fruitfull and multiply and fill thre earth” Genesis 1:28
Why doesn’t the catholic church recognise divorces?
You vowed to be with each for ever
Divorce is a legal prosses. Not in the catholic church
They believe that marriage is permenant
If tye catholic church were to marry you again you would need to have sex with your partner to consumate the marriage and this would be seen as adultery. And the ten commandments include “thouh shalt not commit adultery.
Give two example of gender discrimination in the workplace
Pay gap
The amount of female employees is less than the amount of male employees
The amount of female CEO’s is less than male CEO’s
What is the purpose of family
To provide:
An example of how to be good and how to follow God
Tough Love
Two bible quotes about gender equality
“God created humans in his image male and female he created them”
Jesus always treated women fairly
CCC quote about gender equality
Each of the 2 sexes has equal dignaty though in different ways
The family is described as the church in miniture with 4 main tasks.
What are they?
To be a sorce of AUTHORITY
To PROCREATE (have children)
To EDUCATE children on how to be good christians
SECURITY for children so they can be EDUCATED in a safe enviroment
State 2 catholic teachings on gender equality?
All sexes are equal as God made humans in his image.
Alls exes are equal because God made Eve from Adams ribs.
Why may both parents go out to work in the morden world?
To earn more money
They may both like to work
When making the decision on who should work in the family what is the main thing catholics should consider?
Who want to work
Who is willing to work
Give 2 Carholic teachings on gender discrimination?
It is bad because it may hurt peoples feelings if they arn’t treated fairly
It may lead to the gender pay gap