Judaism Practices Part 1 Flashcards
What is a synagogue?
A jewish place of worship
Sometimes reffered to as a house of prayer or a school
Why are synagogues important?
They provide a place for Jews to prayer. It is also belived that it is better to pray in the presence of a minyan.
The synagogue is a place where jews can learn many synagogues may provide classes in Hebrew.
Synagogues may also host a variaty of social events and charity events because they believe that the synagogue is a good place for the communtity to talk.
They synagogue is a place which can help jews donate there time and money to charities by holdong events and donatong to the poor, needy and charities
What happens in an orthodox synagogue service?
Women and men are seperated
There are daily services in hewbrew
Men always cover there heads
No musical instrimunts
Reform synagogue services?
Men and women are together
Women may be alloud to be part of a minyan
They may only open on the saboth and other important jewish festivals
Services may be in english and hewbrew
The serives may be shorter
What is an orthodox jew?
A jew which follows the laws extreamly well
What is a reform Jew?
A jew who thinks that they need to adapt with morden times
What is the importance of prayer for a Jew?
It’s a good way to talk to God and ask for forgivness
Differences between views of praying by orthodox and reform jews?
They both face Jeruselam when they pray.
Reform jews believe that prays should be less rigid to adapt to normall life
Orthodox jews would pray everyday at the same time to show dedication to God and to follow the Sinai Covenant
What is the format of the Jewish services?
Start with opening prays
The shema is said: a prayer that afirms there belief that there is only 1 God
The Amidah is said: the central jewish prayer which is said standing and facing Jeruselam
What is a tallit?
Correct spelling
A pray blanket which is made from wool or silk. It has long tassels attacked to each corner.
It shows how they are obaying Gods will as each tassel represents a mitzvich law
What is a Teflin?
A pair of small leather boxes which contain words from the Torah and Shema.
One box is strapped to the arm and 1 to the forehead
It reminds Jews to be mindfull whilst praying
What is the prayer hall?
Where the main congergation sits. A place where Jews can come together. It usually is a rectangle woth 3 sides facing the bimah.
It may be decorated but without poctures of God/people
What is the ner tamid?
A light that represents God’s everlasting love.
It is always kept on and is suppost to be an oil lamp however some reform synagogues have an eletrical light with it’s own emergency backup.
It acts as a reminder of the menorah that was lit everyday in the Temple and Gods precence
What is the Bimah?
A reading platform where the Torah is read usong the Yat.
It is a raised platform in the center of the prayer hal
What is shabbat?
(Shabot) dont use that
From the sunset of Friday to the sunset of Saturday
On this day no work is to be done pikuach nefresh
What is different in synagogue services on Shabbat?
It may be longer and specialy for families
Includes reading from the Torah
The rabbi’s speach may be more based on important news from the local area
What preperations are done for Shabbat?
The table is set before and all jobs that are needed to be done is done before sunset eg food being cooked
Explain the lighting the candles?
A female member will light the candles
Then everyone holds hands and says blessings before eating
What happens on the Friday meal?
The parents will bless the children
Then the bread is blessed and passed around the table
The meal will last a few hours whilst religious storys may be told or sung to children.
The meal ends with a prayer of thanksgiving for the food
What happens on Saturday (Shabbat)?
Special meal - after sunset on shabat
Blessings are done over a:
cup of wine
sweet smelling spices
Candle with several wicks
The spices and candles are belived to soothe and bring light to the house after Shabbat has ended
Why may a jew pray at home?
Why not?
It is easier
Your prays may be more persenal
It may be difficult to get to the synagogue on the Saboth becasue you can’t drive
An orthodox jew may say that it may lead to you being distracted
What are the different parts of the Tenakh
A collection of 24 books (which are in the old testement)
1) Torah: 5 books of Moses which forms the bases of Jewish law
2) Nevi’im: (The prophets) this helps trace back Jewish history and expands on Jewish law
3) Ketuvim: (The Writting) 11 books that contains poetry, stories, advice, historical advice and more
What is the Talmud?
The oral law. It contains comments about rabbis about the Torah and how it should be followed
1) Mishnah: a commentary by a Rabbi in 100CE
2) Gemara - made up of a collection of discussions about the Mishnah. Written in 500CE
What are the jewish dietary laws?
They originate from the Torah particually in Leviticus 1 and Deutermonay 14.
Food is eather Kosher - Acceptable. Trefah - Unacceptable
Milk and dairy must be prepared seperatly
How is food prepared Kosher?
Animals must be slaughtered by a trained Jew with a very sharp knife
Animals need to be awake when they are killed and afterwards the blood needs to be drained
What might you find in a Jewish kitchen?
2 seperate kitchens, playes and sinks ect because dairy and meet can’t be near each other
“You shall not boil a kid in it’s mothers milk” Exodus 23:19
Jewish people living in a non jewish place may find it hard to find a kosher reastaurant
What are the 4 rites of passage?
Birth ceremonys
Bar and Bat motzvah’s
What do different types of Jews believe about the dietary laws?
Orthodox jews believe they should follow them really strictly because of the Covenants and because it reminds them daily of there faith
Reform jews belief that it is up to the person what they want to follow as God gave is free will
What may men wear in a synagogue?