Judaism Practices Part 2 Flashcards
What are the ceremoneys at birth?
Naming of the baby
Brit Mitah
Redemption of the first born son
Explain the naming of the baby cereomny
They are blest at the synagogue on the next Shabbat. The farther recited the Torah and asks god for a good lofe for his baby. In reform synagogues both parents may take part in the ceremony. This is SIGNIFICANT because it is the first formal introduction of the baby and the local community and God.
A girls name is announced
Boy’s names are announced after circumcision
Explain the Brit Mitah ceremony?
Haopens when the baby is 8 days old. A close friend or a relative places the baby on a chair to symbolise the presence of the phrophet Elijah
Blessigns are said over wine and the baby is circumcised.
Then the family and guests party and have a celebratory meal
This is significant because it recalls the covenant made by God and Abraham and it gives a life long reminder to Jews that they are one of Gods people
Explain the Redemption of the forst born son ceremony?
Some orthodox Jews give a small amount of money 31 days after the first of a first birn son.
5 silver coins are given the the kohen (a decendent of the priest who used to work at the Temple
Prays are also said to ask for “entrance into Torah, into marriage and into good deeds”
This is significant because it follows the Mitzovt commandments
What is a bar/bat mitzva?
Bar - Boy 13 years old
Bat - Girl 12 years old
It is when a boy/girl becomes a man/women. It brings the community closser and it is when a jewish boy can join the minyan and when Jews are expected to start following the laws seriosly.
What happens at the bar/bat mitzah?
The boy reads from the Torah. They boy then wears a talit for the first time and makes a short speach.
The boys farther will then thank God for his sons maturity and declear that he is now responcible for his own decisions. After the service there is a party
Orthodox Jews sometimes mark a girls bat mitzvah with a family meal with small relogios gifts
What is Berothal?
The period of time where a couple are engaged (around 12 months)
Jews believe that this time can only be brocken by death or divorce
What haopens before a jewish weading?
The bride and groom go underneath the chuppah (a canopy) to symbolise there new home together.
They recite 2 blessings over wine.
In an orthodox weading the man will place a ring on the womens finger however in a reform weading there may be an exchange of rings
What is the marriage contract?
It is signed in the presence of witnesses
Orthodx views: covers aspects such as there dutys to each other, how the man will care for his wife and what will happen to the mans atributes if he dies and how the man will care for the women in case of divorce
Reform: focuses more on spiritual things. It often describes mutual hopes for the sucess of the marriage
What happens on the marriage itself?
Seven weading vows are recited. The rabi will make a short speach and bless the couple
The groom will break a glass under his heal to symbolise hos regreat for the destruction of the Temple and to show how life has joy and hardships. The congregation will then wish the couple good luck
What happens after the weading?
The couple spend time in a room alone to symbolise there new marriage.
There will then be a party.
What happens when a death is first announced?
Jews make a small tear in there cloths to follw expectations as Jacop did. People also say blessings to confirm there belief that they accept Gods decision to take that perosns life
What happens in the first period of mourning?
Most jews are burried withing 24 hours of death. Untill then Jews believe that the soul is still in the body and therefore it shoud be comforted.
Close family is left the greif without needing to follow certian Jewish laws
What happens in shiva?
The second period of mourning
An intense period of mourning that lasts for 7 days after the burriel. People don’t work and they prey 3 times a day. The KADDISH is said which praises God and asks for peace
Mourners don’t wear makeup, cut there hair or shave. Also mirrors are covered up so that people don’t focus on there phycical appearance.
What happens in the third period of mourning?
Begins after shiva and lasts for 30 days after the death.
Normall life continues but mourners don’t cut there hair, shave, go to partys or listen to music
Male mourners will say rhe kaddish daily in the synagogue
What happens during the final period of mourning?
For 11 months jews don’t go to partys and the children continue to say the kaddish
What happens after a year of mourning?
The formal period of morning is over however son’s may still say the kaddish
A candle is lit every year on the anervercity that lasts for 24 hours
What happens just before the funeral?
The body is wrapped and cleaned and placed in linen and a talid for men. They use simple coffin for everyone so show how everyone is equal. The bodys are taken staraight to the cemetary and not to the synagogue as the synagogue is a place of life.
After the funeral everyone washes there hands to show how the death has been washed away.
Jewish law states all graves must have a tombstone
What is Rosh Hashanah
The jewish new year.
It is a time to remember God’s creation of the world and a day of judgment
It is concidered the anavercity of when God made the world.
This is where God decides the fortunes of Jews for the next year.
How is Rosh Hashanah celebrated today?
They may do charity work and fix there sins as this is the last chance to be good.
The day before Rosh Hashanah premerations are made for a family meal with symbolic foods eg Apples dipped in honey
In the evening prayers are said in the synagogue service asking God to be there king. The next mornng a ram’s horn is blown 100 times
What is Yom Kippur?
Known as the day of Atonement. This is the holiest day for a Jew
“Attomenant shall be made for you to cleanse you of all your sins” Leviticus 16:30
This day is belived to be the last chance of that year to do good
How is Yom Kippur celebrated in Britian today?
Many Jews spend it in the synagogue asking for God’s forgivness.
Jews participate in general confessions. During the final mass peole are given the chance to make a final confession. Afer this the doors to the Ark are closed to represent that God’s jugment has been made.
What may a Jew do before Yom Kippur?
What do they wear during it/ what is banned?
A Jew may choose to Fast 25 hours befor hand
A jew will wear white as a symbol of the purity.
Jews arn’t alloud to bath, wear leather shoes or have sex durong Yom Kippur
What is Pesach?
What do some poeple do before it?
It celebrates jews escpae from Egypt and the birth of the jewish nation
It perticular it focuses on the last plague (killing of the forst born son)
Some first born males fast before it to show there thanks to God
What is the most important symbol of Pesach?
The removal of Yeast from the house. This repesents how the Jews had to leave Egypt so quickly that they didn’t have time to wait for there bread to rise.
What is the passover seder?
A special meal in Pesach. The youngest fo the family will ak 4 questions and they will be answered by the telling of Moseses story.
In this meal there is:
Red Wine: A reminder of the lambs blood. 4 glasses of wine are blessed to symbolise the 4 freedoms God prommised Jews in Exdocus 6:6-7
Unleaven bread: Symbolises how the Jews had to leave Egypt so quickely that they couldn’t wait for there bread to rise
A special plate of food which contained (different flashcard)
What do the different things on the Pesach plate represent?
Green Vegtables: They represent the new life in the promised land
Salt Water: Represents the tears of slavery
Bitter Herbs: Represents the bitterness of slavery
Sweet Charoset: Represents the motor that the Jews had to use in slavery and reminds jews that life in now sweeter
Egg and Lamb Bone: Reminds Jews of the sacrafises that were made in the Temple of Jeruselam
How many people are needed in a minyan?
What may a couple do before a weading?
Fast to remove sin from themself