Incarnation Part 1 Flashcards
What is the incarnation?
The belif that Jesus was 100% God and 100% Human
What is grace?
A way of saying God’s love
What is the incarnate son?
A way of saying that Jesus was 100% God
What is the word of god?
One of Jesus’ names
This shows that he is 100% God
What does God being eternal mean?
God is eternal and this means that his powers will last forever.
There will always be love and forgiving in the world
What is the Son of God?
A name which is used to describe Jesus
This shows how he is 100% God
What is the Son of Man?
A name of Jesus.
It shows that he is 100% human
What is Ichthus?
A symbol used by Catholics in the olden times (romans) to show there faith to spmeone else who they thought may be a Catholic.
What is Alpha and Omega?
Symbols to show how god is involved in all parts pf life form the beggining to the end
What is Chi Rho?
A symbol which is used to express the view that through Jesus’ death he saved all of humanity
It is made up of an X and P
What is a crusifix?
A symbol used by christians to show there faith
It is a cross WITH JESUS ON IT.
What is magisterium?
Something we are told by the peopes/bishups because they can interpret the word of God (bible)
Imago dei
What are the beatitudes?
A list of attitudes which Jesus will let people into heavon. He talks about these on the sermon of the mount.
What is a sacrament?
An internal filling of Grace and an external showing of it
Grace - God’s love
What was the sermon on the mount?
Jesus gave orders (a speach/ sermon) from a mount of a hill.
These orders improved things in the ten comandments and added some new rules
Eg Moses said that adultry was wrong
Jesus said that even looking at a women lustfully is adultry
Summerise Lukes Annunciation
To mary
Mary is told by the angles that she is pregant with the son of god and that she should marry Joseph who was a decendent of King David
At first Mary was worried by this
The angles tell her that Jesus will be a savior and that his kingdom will never end
Mary then WILLINGLY accepts God’s child of her own FREE WILL
What is Matthew’s Annunciation?
To Joseph
Joseph is told that Mary is pregant but that she is still a virgin.
Joseph chooses not to expose Mary for being pregant withought a husband
In the dream he is also told that the child is from the holy spirit
He is told to name it Jesus and that he will be a savior
What is the significance of the name Jesus?
Jesus also means Emanuel
Emanuel translates into savior in Hewbrew
Why is Jesus called to the Word of God?
What does this tell us?
He was reffered as that in John’s Gospel.
It tells us that Jesus has always been around forever and that he is 100% God
Why is Jesus described as Son of Man?
He is described as this to emphasis that he is 100% human
“He became a child so that the word could be grasped by us” - Apostlic Exholtations
In Mark Jesus says that the “Son of Man” must undergo great suffering
What are the differences of Luke and Matthews accunts of the Annunciation?
In Luke Mary is told in real life where Joseph is told in a dream
Luke is talking about Mary. Matthew is talking about Joseph
Mary is told that she will give birth to the son of God where Joseph is told to marry Mary
What are the similaritys of Luke and Matthews Annunciation’s?
They are both given a choice
They both accept it in the end
They are both told by angles
Why is Jesus refrered to as the Son of God?
To show us that he is 100% God
Whilst on trail for herecy he is asked if he was the Son of God and he replied “I am the Son of God?
What are St Irenaeus’s writings about?
Jesus is the meating point between God and humans. This allows us the relate to God through Jesus.
He said that by following Jesus’ teachings we will be more “fully alive” and “reveal God’s glorry”
What were the beatitudes.
Group of people) - (What they get
The poor - heavon
Those who mourn - they will be conforted
The meek - they will inherit the earth
Thoses who do Gods will - they will be filled
The merciful - they will recieve mercy
The pure in heart - they will see God
The peacmakers - they will be called the children of God
Those who are persecuted for a righteous cause - they will go to heaven
What is the parable of the sheep and Goat?
Jesus says that sheep are peope who:
Feed the hungary
Give water to te thirsty
Welcome strangers
Cloth the nacked
Visit the sick
Visit people in prison
And they will go to heavon
But the goats whi are peope who don’t do these things will go to hell