Relations between the branches definitions Flashcards
Common law
UK law derived from customs and precedents rather than statutes
Declaration of Incompatability
When a law is incompatible with HRA
Elective dictatorship
A gov that dom Parl, usually from big maj, few limits on power
Formal Equality
All members of society deserve equal status regardless of social background
Habeas Corpus
Right to a fair trial
Judicial Independence
Judges should not be influenced by other branches of gov, especially executive
Judicial neutrality
Judges should not be influenced by personal political opinions and should remain outside party politics
Judicial precedent
A court must follow and apply law as set out in the decision of the higher court in previous cases
Judicial review
The power of judicial review, which can sometimes reverse actions made by other branches of gov that are incompatible with HRA
Part of country’s gov that is responsible for its legal system
Legal sovereignty
The legal right to exercise sov in theory
Having the authority to act in all matters
Parliamentary majority
When a gov party wins at least 326 seats out of 650 in Parl
Political sovereignty
The legal right to exercise sov in practice
Salisbury Convention
HOL cannot oppose leg in winning party manifesto
Ultra Vires
‘Beyond the powers’ - an action taken w.o legal authority when it requires it