REB 22. Pelvis, Pelvic Diaphragm, Ovaries, Uterus + Vagina Flashcards
Name the important parts of the sacrum.
- Sacral Canal
- Sacral Hiatus
- Anterior and Posterior Sacral Foramina
Name the part(s) of the Coccyx.
- cornua
- transverse process
What type of joint is the sacroiliac joint? What may happen to this joint?
- synovial joint
- it may fibrose or ossify
What are the 3 sacroiliac ligaments?
[1] Anterior Sacroiliac Ligament
[2] Posterior Sacroiliac Ligament
[3] Interosseus Sacroiliac Ligament
What type of joint is the pubic symphysis?
Secondary Cartilaginous Joint
Which ligaments prevent the uplifting (upwards tilting) of the sacrum?
[1] Sacrospinous Ligament
[2] Sacrotuberous Ligament
Where is the false pelvis located?
- superior to the pelvic brim/inlet
- considered a part of the abdominal cavity
Where is the true pelvis located?
- inferior to pelvic brim/inlet
- floor = pelvic diaphragm
Is the pelvic diaphragm and the urogenital diaphragm the same thing?
No, they are not.
What is inferior to the pelvic diaphragm?
Name the parts (and lines) of the Pelvic Inlet.
[1] Sacral Promontary + Ala
[2] Arcuate Line
[3] Pectineal Line
[4] Pubic Crest
What are the parts (borders) of the Pelvic Outlet?
[1] Ischiopubic Ramus
[2] Ischial Tuberosity
[3] Sacrotuberous Ligament
[4] Coccyx
What is the diameter associated with the Pelvic Outlet? How do you find it?
- Interspinous Diameter
- the distance between the ischial spines
What are the diameters associated with the Pelvic Inlet?
[1] Conjugate Diameter
- from pubic symphysis to sacral promontary
[2] Transverse Diameter
- widest part of brim
List the differences betwen the female and male pelvis.
- Circular pelvic inlet
- Roman pubic arch (80 to 85 degrees)
- Straight ischial spines
- ilial ala flare outwards
- Heart-Shaped pelvic inlets
- gothic pubic arches (50 to 60 degrees)
- ischial spines project medially
*side note: sacral, coccyx + acetabular differences!
What muscle makes up the obturator canal? What runs through the obturator anal?
- obturator internus muscle
- obturator nerves and vessels runs through the canal
What nerve innervates the Levator Ani muscle?
Pudendal Nerve
- S2,3,4 keeps your bottom off the floor
At what vertebral level does the Common Iliac bifurcate? Which structural level is this at?
- bifurcates at L4
- in front of the sacroiliac joint
What is the median umbilical ligament a remnant of?
embryonic allantois
What is the trigone of the bladder? What is its function?
- is a smooth triangular region of the internal urinary bladder formed by the two ureteric orifices and the internal urethral orifice
- area is very sensitive to expansion and once stretched to a certain degree, the urinary bladder signals the brain of its need to empty
What cell type is the bladder mainly made up of?
Transitional Epithelium
- they can undergo a change in their shape and structure
- e.g. urine filling up the bladder
What is the name of the peritoneum that is reflected over the uterus (laterally)?
Broad Ligament
What are the pouches around the uterus? [2]
[1] Rectouterine Pouch
- Pouch of Douglas
[2] Uterovesical Pouch
What is a Nulliparous Uterus?
the name of the uterus of a woman who has never given birth before
- “flattened pear”
What are the different parts of the uterus?
[1] Fundus
- above the entrance of the uterine tubes
[2] Body
[3] Cervix
What is the innervation of the uterus and the vagina?
- has autonomic innervation
- little pain receptors
- doesn’t like to stretch
- has somatic innervation
- pudendal nerve
What is the internal and external os?
Internal Os:
- opening into the uterus
External Os:
- opening into the vagina
What are the Vaginal Fornices?
projection of the cervix into the vaginal canal
What are the layers of the uterine wall? (from outside in)
[1] Serosa (Peritoneum)
[2] Myometrium (Smooth Muscle)
[3] Endometrium (Columnar)
What cell type is the vagina made up of?
Squamous Epithelium
- “wear and tear”
Where is the squamocolumnar junction located?
between the vagina and uterus at the EXTERNAL OS
- vagina = squamous epithelium
- uterus = columnar epithelium
What are the 3 “types” of vaginal fornices?
[1] Anterior Fornix [2] Posterior Fornix [3] Lateral Fornices (2) -- ischial spine -- uterine artery + ureter
Where is the posterior fornix located in relation to an important structure?
- location is related to the pouch of Douglas
What is anteflexion? What is the approximate numerical value?
- angle between cervix and the body of the uterus
- approx. 170 degrees
What is anteversion? What is the approximate numerical value?
- angle between cervix and vagina
- approx. 90 degrees
side note: 20% of females retroverted
What structures/muscles support the uterus so that it does not collapse?
[1] Pelvic Diaphragm
- levator ani
[2] Perineal Body
What are the ligaments that the Pelvic Fascia forms?
[1] Lateral Ligaments - transverse ligaments - cardinal ligaments - Mackenrodt's ligaments [2] Uterosacral Ligaments [3] Pubocervical Ligaments
What is the round ligament of the uterus a remnant of? What is its function?
- a remnant of the gubernaculum
- it pulls the ovaries
- NOT important for support!!
What are the parts of the fallopian (uterine) tubes and ovaries?
- 10 cm long
- proximal 1 cm lies within uterine wall
[1] Isthmus
- narrowest part of tube
[2] Ampulla
[3] Infundibulum
- “trumpet”-shaped
- multiple fimbriae
[4] Fallopian Tube (continued)
- outer longitudinal muscle
- inner circular muscle
- columnar epithelium
- – ciliated + non-ciliated
[5] Ovary
- ligament of the ovary
- ovarian fossa
- – angle between internal + external iliac vessels
- – obturator nerve