Reading: The Twentieth Century and Beyond and Music and Modernism Flashcards
What is characteristic of music of the 1900’s?
- Wider variety of styles than ever before.
- Widening split between classical and popular music.
Special self-consciousness, on the part of the artists themselves, of their position at the forefront of new developments.
In the most advanced style.
When did avant-garde experimentation seem to gain the upper hand?
1900-1920 and 1950-1970.
When were the times of consolidation among the periods of avant-garde?
1920s and 30s.
What are the two overriding historical facts of the nineteenth century?
- Industrialization.
- Emergence of the modern nation-state.
A French artistic movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
A late nineteenth-century movement in the arts that emphasized suggestion rather than precise reference.
Is Debussy more of an impressionist or a symbolist?
He is both, but more of a symbolist.
An early twentieth-century movement in art, music, and literature in Germany and Austria.
What movement seeks to express the most extreme human feelings by divorcing art from everyday literalness?
Pentatonic Scale
A five-note scale (familiar from folk music) playable on the black notes of the keyboard.
Whole-Tone Scale
A scale, used sometimes by Debussy, comprising only six notes to the octave, each a whole tone apart (i.e., two semitones).
Octatonic Scale
An eight-note scale (used by Stravinsky and others) consisting of half and whole steps in alteration.
Serialism; Serial
The technique of composing with a series, generally a twelve-tone series.
Intervals or chords that sound relatively stable and free of tension, as opposed to dissonance.
Intervals or chords that sound relatively tense and unstable, in opposition to consonance.
Atonal; Atonality
The absence of any feeling of tonality.
“Holy trinity” of music:
Melody, harmony, and tonality.
A fixed arrangement of pitches (or rhythms) held to throughout a serial composition.