Reading: Scales and Melody Flashcards
A selection of ordered pitches that provides the pitch material for music.
The difference or distance between two pitches, measured by the number of diatonic scale notes between them.
The interval between a pair of “duplicating” notes, eight notes apart in the diatonic scale.
Diatonic Scale
The set of seven pitches represented by the white notes of the piano, within one octave.
Chromatic Scale
The set of twelve pitches represented by all the white and black notes on the piano, within on octave.
In musical notation, a sign indicating that the note to which it is attached is to be played a semitone lower. A double flat is sometimes used to indicate that a note is played two semitones lower.
In musical notation, a sign indicating that the note it precedes is to be played a half step higher. A double sharp is occasionally used to indicate that a note is played two semitones higher.
Half Step
The interval between any two successive notes of the chromatic scale; also called a semitone.
Whole Step
The interval equal to two half steps (semitones).
The aspect of music having to do with the succession of pitches; also applied to any particular succession of pitches.
A simple, easily singable melody that is coherent and complete.
A short fragment of melody or rhythm used in constructing a long section of music.
The basic subject matter of a piece of music. A theme can be a phrase, a short motive, a full tune, etc.
A section of a melody or a tune.
In a melody, a series of fragments identical except for their placement at successively higher or lower pitch levels.
The high point of a melody or of a section of music.
Then notes or chords (or the whole short passage) ending a section of music with a feeling of conclusiveness. The term cadence can be applied to phrases sections of works, or complete works or movements.