Reading Notes 1-1 Flashcards
delivered the frontier thesis at the Columbian expedition in Chicago that shaped the views of the American west for several generations
Frederick Jackson Turner
the essay written by Frederick Jackson Turner
“frontier thesis”-
folk character that dramatized the conquest of frontiers in a stage extravaganza called “The Wild West”
“Buffalo Bill” Cody
were the primary prey of hunts
Buffalo (American Bison)
locations where the federal government tried to force western Indians so they might become civilized, areas that were least desirable to whites. The government promised protection from white encroachment, food, clothing and other necessities
John Chivington attacked a Cheyenne band under Black Kettle, killing almost every Indian
Sand Creek Massacre
After conquering the Cheyenne in 1776, the Lakota took over the territory In 1868, the U.S. government signed the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, exempting them from all white settlement forever. However, when European Americans discovered gold there in 1874, as a result of George Armstrong Custer’s Expedition, miners swept into the area in a gold rush.(internet search)
Black Hills
chiefs who led the Lakota’s and Cheyenne’s surrounded and annihilated 256 government troops at little big horn
Sitting Bull, crazy horse, rain in the face
led the government troops at little big horn
George Armstrong Custer
the battle between Custer and the Indians, where the indians won and Custer was killed
Little Big Horn
led the Nez Percé Indians
Chief Young Joseph
Northwest Indians led by Joseph young escaped reservations by fleeing to Canada who surrender to US troops
Nez Percé
southwest Indians (battled whites after being forced onto reservations)
American apache Indian chief
Northern Paiute religious leader who founded the Ghost Dance movement
a spiritual means of preserving native culture. It involved movement in a circle until the dancers reached a trancelike state and envisioned dead ancestors
Ghost Dance
Custer overtook and massacred a band of starving Indians in the snow
Wounded Knee
wrote a reform treatise “A Century of Dishonor”
Helen Hunt Jackson
passed after congress reversed the reservation policy, it authorized the dissolution of community-owned Indian property and granted land to individual Indian families. It also awarded citizenship to those accepting allotments, and entitled the government to sell unallocated land to whites
Dawes Severalty Act
school for Indians established in Pennsylvania-flagship of the government’s Indian school system
Carlisle School
A site in South Dakota where the bloodiest clash between Sioux Indians and whites occurred
Wounded knee
Designed to turn Indians into landowners and farmers
Dawes Severalty Act
A famous scout and Indian fighter who killed nearly 4300 bison
Buffalo Bill Cody