Class Notes from 2/5/13 Flashcards
What came out of the farmer’s alliance?
The Populist Movement
Who created a “hull” house in Chicago (a mission) her house became the model for what is today’s rescue missions
Jane Addams
Who was the father of the modern skyscraper
Louis Sullivan
Who was the author who wrote about western life.
Bret Harte
What became to be used as a means of transportation for the common people. Huge in the late 19th century.
When people came from the southern eastern point of the world, this was called?????
The New Migration
Left because the people were leaning towards unification
Who developed the huddle and the tackling dummy, he was also the record holder for the most career wins as a college coach?
Who was the number one writer during this time.
Mark Twain
Olmstead developed this idea, he also built parks and is most famous for building central park.
The City Beautiful Movement
Who was the best known Christian in the late 19th century.
D. L. Moody
People left _________ because of the political strife.
Who was the first president to get married in the white house. He was the first democrat after the Civil War. The only president to serve 2 inconsecutive terms.
People left _________ based on the potato famine
Who said that if farms are gone you have no city?
William Bryan
Which President passed the Pendleton Civil Service Act?
– 300 people died in this fire
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871
What wa the first time in American history where farmers got people to form what is called the something which later merges with the democrats?
Populist Party
Which preseident was elected in 1880 and was later assassinated
What court case developed the separate but equal idea?
Plessy v. Ferguson
Who do you associate with creating basketball?
James Naismith
Who founded the Grange?
What becomes the first state to let women vote? Western states led the way in this. What year?
Wyoming in 1890
What sport was invented for an inside sport to play during the cold weather.
Basketball by James Naismith
What was an allegory of the populist party.
The Wizard of Oz
Who do you associate with creating the game football?
Amos Alonzo Stagg
People left becasue of political strife, turmoil and political persecution
What was completely passed in the 19th century when women could finally vote?
Woman’s Suffrage