2/21/2013 Flashcards
took over the railway industry
Railroad Administration
headed by George Creel. it used propaganda to mobilize public opinion in support for the war
Committee on Public Information
headed the CPI (committee on Public Information)
George Creel
limits First Amendment rights,
forbade “false statements” designed to impede the draft or promote military insubordination,
and it banned from the mails materials considered treasonous.
Espionage Act
made it unlawful to obstruct the sale of war bonds and to use “disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive” language to describe the government, the Constitution, the flag, or the military uniform
Sedition Act
aimed to protect the basic civil liberties of all Americans.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)-
A period of general fear of communism
“Red Scare”
formed by the Soviet leadership to export revolution worldwide
Communist International
Two defectors from the Socialist Party, _______ and _________
founded the Communist Labor Party in 1919.
John Reed & Benjamin Gitlow
Two defectors from the Socialist Party, _______. and ______ founded the Communist Labor Party in 1919.
Benjamin Gitlow & John Reed
Organized in May 1919 to lobby for veterans’ benefits, also fueled the red scare
American Legion
Wilson’s attorney general,
insisted that Americans think alike. A Progressive reformer, Quaker, and ambitious politician,
he appointed Hoover to head the Radical Division of the Department of Justice
A Mitchell Palmer
headed the Radical Division of the Department of Justice,
broke into meeting halls and homes without search warrants, jailing four thousand people without counsel.
J. Edgar Hoover
- book written by Griffith
fed prejudice with its celebration of the Klan and its demeaning depiction of blacks.
Birth of a Nation
Georges Clemenceau of France
David Lloyd George of Britain
Vittorio Orlando of Italy
president Wilson
“The Big Four”-
punishes Germany and launches the League of Nations.
Paris Peace Conference
the centerpiece of Wilsons plans for the postwar world.
League of Nations
led the Senate opposition.
he packed the Foreign Relations Committee with critics and introduced several reservations to the treaty, most importantly that Congress had to approve any obligation under Article 10.
Henry Cabot Lodge