class notes unit 2 Flashcards
sets the tone for the rest of modern times in America. It married new ideas with action
Progressive era
most progressive of the presidents of this era, opens the door for change
Woodrow Wilson
attends to man’s needs without concern for Christianity
Social gospel
Goals of the progressive movement
) end abuses of power 2) prevent/avoid corruption of power 3) bureau of experts
successfully communicates the idea of evolution in scientific terms 1859
1st real special interest driven movement in American history, a model of political activism
Populist movement
less corrupt, more efficient, more responsive to the people
Progressive government
maiden voyage April 1912, built to be unsinkable, it was the very technology they were counting on that destroyed them
1903-Ford Motor Company-wanted everyone to own a car, invents assembly line and model T
Henry Ford
Man gets wings-Wright Brothers-test the 1st fixed wing aircraft
1st flight took place
Kitty Hawk, NC
- get measures put on the ballot by way of petition, get legislature to consider things
put something before the people for final approval
get government very responsive, vote people out early
running of the city left to specific commissions trained in that specific field. (government by professionals)
City commission plan
higher a single professional, takes on the role of running the city day to day
City manager plan
gives us income tax-taxation of individual incomes is legal (1913)
16th amendment
the more you get, the more you pay
Graduated income tax
changed out senators were selected, chosen by direct election
17th amendment
(social reform)prohibition of alcohol (1919)
18th amendment
granted women the right to vote (1920)
19th amendment
1st time in history-establishment of a central banking system, given the power to oversee the monetary supply of the US
Federal reserve Act
one of the most powerful regulatory agencies in government
Federal Trade Commission
progressive model, thought the authors were a little bit much-calls them muckrakers
Teddy Roosevelt
put together a famous expose of Standard Oil
Ida Tarbell
writes about conditions in inner cities
Lincoln Steffens
most famous muckraker, wanted an equal society, writes The Jungle about the meat packaging industry
Upton Sinclair
by Upton Sinclair, tries to expose the tremendous abuse in the meat packaging industry-one of the signature books of 20th century America
The Jungle
gives government the authority to inspect
Meat inspection Act
gives us the FDA
Pure food and drug act
focused solely on man’s needs and social and political issues without the gospel (having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof)
The social gospel
- prophet of social gospel-believed there was no need for salvation
Walter Rauschenbusch
writes In His Steps (WWJD)
Charles Sheldon
ran for president under what would have been the progressive party
Robert Lafollette
is economics in action