2/13/2013 Flashcards
began publication in 1888, pictorially chronicled America’s new
overseas involvements in Asia and the Pacific, regularly featuring images of exotic,
premodern peoples who had not become western
National Geographic
abandoned the Maximilian monarchy that he forcibly installed three years earlier
Napoleon III
chief architect, argued for extension of the American frontier as a senator from New York (1849–1861) and secretary of state (1861–1869). he envisioned a large U.S. empire encompassing Canada, the Caribbean, Cuba, Central America, Mexico, Hawai’i, Iceland, Greenland, and the Pacific islands
William Seward
accquired from the Russians by the U.S. in 1867
resolved by Hamilton Fish
Alabama Claims
in 1896 an Anglo-American arbitration board divided the disputed territory between Britain and Venezuela. Thus the United States displayed a typical imperialist trait: disregard for the rights of small nations
Venezuela border dispute
a popularizer of this New Navy, argued that because foreign trade
was essential, the nation required an efficient navy to protect its shipping; in turn, a navy required colonies for bases. his ideas were published as The Influence of SeaPower upon History (1890)
Alfred Thayer Mahan
the work published by Mahan
The Influence of Sea Power upon History
formally annexed by the US in 1898
annexed by the US in 1899
granted independence on On August 12, 1898
one of the heroes of Cuban history, collected money, arms, and men in the United States.
José Martí
war won by the U.S. in 1898
Spanish-American War (1898)-
which disclaimed U.S. intention to annex Cuba or control the island except to ensure its “pacification.
Teller Amendment
roosevelt’s calvary, a motley unit of Ivy Leaguers and cowboys, proved undisciplined and ineffective
Rough Riders
where US troops stormed spain
San Juan Hill
commodore whose New Navy ship Olympia led an American squadron into Manila Bay and wrecked the Spanish fleet
George Dewey
battle occurred here during the Spanish American war, led by dewey, 1st major engagement of the Spanish American war
Manila Bay
Spain surrenders control of Cuba, ceding Puerto Rico, parts of the west Indies, Guam, and the Phillipines
Treaty of Paris
led the Philipine insurrection against Spain
Emilio Aguinaldo
cuban physican recognixed as pioneer in yellowfever research
Dr. Carlos Finlay
his experiments proved that mosquitoes transmitted yellow fever, sanitary engineers eradicated the disease.
Dr. Walter Reed
where cuba leased a Naval base to US, he oldest American base outside the United States, it is the only one in a country with which Washington does not have an open political relationship.
Guantánamo Bay
regions over which they claimed political control and exclusive commercial privileges
spheres of influence
sent nations with spheres of influence in China a note seeking their respect for the principle of equal trade opportunity—an Open Door
John Hay
- a cornerstone of U.S. diplomacy, an instrument first to pry open markets and then to dominate them.
Open Door Policy
Britain permitted a solely U.S.-run canal
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
the canal opens
Panama Canal (1914)-
declares United States a hemispheric police power
Roosevelt Corollary
navy fleet that was sent on a world tour
Great White Fleet
mexican rebel who raided an American border town
Pancho Villa
general who spent months pursuing Mexican rebel Pancho Villa for raiding an American border town
General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing
he use of private funds to serve American diplomatic goals while garnering profits for American financiers and bringing reform to developing countries
Dollar diplomacy