Randop Flashcards
lab test used to evaluate the clotting ability of blood by measuring the time it takes for a clot to form in a plasma sample after adding an activator, phospholipid, and calcium
isolated prolonged aptt
(aPTT) means that the aPTT is longer than normal, but other coagulation tests (such as prothrombin time [PT] and platelet count) are within the normal range.
prothrombin time
how long it takes for blood to clot
joint symptoms and hyper pigmented appearance
iron overload
risk of regular transfusions
iron overload
hbh disease
1/4 functioning alpha genes
frontal bossing sign of
beta thalaessemia major
vwf assoc
bleeding time prolonged
factor viii decreased
aptt increased ]
joint bleeding
nose bleeds, gum bleeding etc
MOA of doacs
inhibtio of factor xa
MOA of warfarin
vit k antagonist
blood film finding on DIC
what factor def is haemophilia b
factor IX
what factor def do patients with haemo[hilia a have
factor viii
foetal complication alpha thalassaemia
barts hydrops fetalis
treatment of dvt for active cancer
doac for at least 3 months
pt and aptt in ttp
pt and aptt in dic
prolonge d
what does giving lmwh increase risk of immediately post op
what causes an elevated A2 level
beta thalaessmia trait
who does non hodgkins usually present in
older people
who does hodgkins usually present in
pentad of symptoms of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
acute kidney injury, fever, low platelets, neurological features , microangiopathic anaemia
what organisms are those with sickle cell disease susceptible to
strep penumo, haemophilus influenza, pseudomonas aurginosa
myeloid lineage
innate response
lymphoid lineage
adaptive response
b cellls
t cells
nk cells
What technique reliably identifies the cell-type (lineage)?
what suppresses erythopoieses in polycythaemia vera
essential thrombosis age relation
women in their 50-70s
where do drugs inhibitng dna synthesis target
s phase
immature wbcs and rbcs in peripheral blood
polycythaemia treatment
aspirin 75mg and venesection <45%
treatment for essential thrombocythaemia if cant have aspirin aka if have asthma etc
what might anabolic steroid use cause
secondry polycythaemia
aplastic crisis
low retic count and severe anaemia due to paravirus b19
low platelet count, prolonged bleeding time and mucosal bleeding
immune thrombocytopenic purpura
first line treatment for immune thrombocytopenic purpura
steroids to suppress immune system to stop attacking platelets
risk with heparin
heparin induced thrombocytopenia
how to confirm hereditary spheroytosis
Eosin-5′-maleimide (EMA) binding test
what might methotrexate cause
folate deficiency so must be co prescirbed
first line treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia
fatigue, pallor, dizzy, tingling
b12 def
g6pd inheritance
x linked recessive
drug which suppresses erythrpoietin
cause of aplastic crisis
parvovrius b19
first line dvt
rivaroxaba - any doac