Random A Flashcards
Primordial Exisential Question
aka Leibniz question
“why is there something rather than nothing
Queen Anne’s War
War of Spanish Succession
war 1701-1713
Queen Anne’s War = War of Spanish Succession
if one man robs another, how does he do it?
increased strength
doctrinal paradox
aggregating judgments with majority voting can result in self-contradictory judgments
years of French and Indian War
excessive pride or dangerous overconfidence
compensation for a wrong or grevience
ship of the man who first circumnavigated the world
Sir Francis Drake
Golden Hinde
defeated Napoleon at waterloo
Duke of Wellington
showing lack of courage or determinatino
convict settlement in Tasmania
Port Arthur
port city in Texas
Port Arthur
an abundance
in proportion
2 aspects of beneficiaries
- we are obligated to act in the best interest of others
- provide benefits balance risks/harm benefits
belief of Aristotle
treat equally and unequals unequally
treat equals equally and unequals unequally
respecting decisions =
norms about what is right versus wrong. so widely shared tha they form a stable social
a moral righteousness based on what alternatives bring the msot good and least harm to the patient
what is important to remember when you are doing infrastrcuture/space design
plannign for future flexibility
4 major organizations that govern the maintence and design of healthcare facilities
TJC, OSHA, ADA Act, Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities byu Am Institute for Arch9itectuer
information management/info technology
occupational safety and health admin
Nursing Process
years of Margaret Thatcher
PM 1979-1990
not to be violated, criticized, or tampered with
set apart as worthy of veneration
french fashion designer
- Yve Saint Laurent
Le Smoking Tuxedo for women
did the Le Smoking tuxedo for women
Yves Saint Laurent
Mexico’s assembly sector is…
on teh Rio Grande
The Earth Institute
at COlumbia
where was Night at the Museum
American Museum of Natural History
shared boundarary across which two or more separate components of a computer system exchange informatoin
usuing unlimited personal power with out considering other’s reights or wishes
- exampleL an arbitrary ruler may impose harsh laws on people witout consulting them
peopel who engage in jihad and fight on God’s behalf.
guriellas in Afgh War that opposed the invading Soviets (1978-92)
mental/emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously
Kyoto Protocol
1997: to reduce greenhouse gases and Co2 in the atmosphere1
year the UN was founded
much maligned
someone/something that is often criticized by people byt the criticism is unfair or exaggerated
start of the War in Iraq
divine or prophetic token
kindly patronage
surrounded and harassed on all sides
threaten persistently
payment of money that is transferred or sent from one party to another
to send back
indirect cost or benefit to an uninvolved third paty that arises from another party’s activities
El Nino year versus La Nina
parasitic worms
soil chemistry elements
nitrogen, phosphorous, K, ph
importance of mosquito netting
saves lives from malaria
most important modern revolution
green revolution
high yield varities
treat unfairly by withholdign something of value
cheat by giving back an insufficient amount of money as change
agency for international devleopment
fait accompli
accomplished fact
- something that has already happened or been done and cannot be changed.
port in Kenya
countries around Kenya
Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Brundi, Malawi
transition zone between Sahara Desert and savannah
Sahel = forms a band from Mauritania to Sudan
(Mali, Niger/Nigeria, Chad, Sudan)
by means of a mild/indirect word or expression instead of one considered too harsh or blunt
last major astronomer (Renaissance) before the invention of the telescope
laws of planetary motion
astronomers of Renaissance era
Tycho Brache
Kepler - laws of planetary motion
father of modern optics
Johannes Kepler
- of law of planetary motion fame
insular geography
looks at the factors that affect the species richness and diversification of isolated natural communities
Principia Mathematica
by Newton in 16887
what helped Japan evade invasion
insular geography - field that examples the factors taht affect species richness and diversification of isilation natural communities
benefit of the coal in Britian
freeded it from energy constraints taht it had been prevestiously had. never before was mass production possible
what is modern economic growth linked to
as fod production increases, fewer people need
why doesn’t the mythology of women being weaker post childbirth make sense
b/c women still performed back breaking labor after giving brith
created railway air brake,
pioneered electrical indusry
- direct competitor with Edison. BUT Westinghouse looked at AC current and Edison DC
yr the USSR fell
yr Berlin Wall fell
build roof with dry straw
sin qua non
an essential condition; a thing that is absolutely necessary:
“without which not”
pig farmer Congress
Joni Earnest
role Cuba Gooding Jr played in Pearl Harbor
Doris iller
Navy Cross
Navy Cross is the United States Naval Service’s second-highest military decoration awarded for Sailors and Marines who distinguish themselves for extraordinary heroism in combat with an armed enemy force. awarded by SECNAV. foreigners and other sevices can get too
showing a high degree of skill/fair
marriage official b/c sex
law that defines certain sexual acts as crimes
sodomy laws
anal sex
criticize unfairly
unit or join together. or to belend or come together into a single mass
controls the coast guard
homeland security
John Kirby
Admiral who became the White House Natioanl Security Communicators Advisor
cut meet from the breast or lower chest of beef or veal
Chuck Hagel
SecDef for Obama from 2013-2015
purple heart b/c infantry quad leader in Vietnam
primary source of his wealth was when he cofounded Vanguard Cellular post the war
US Senator from Nebraska and Chair of the Intelligence Oversight Board
Operation Homefront
nonprofit that helps build homes for military families
black WWII pilots
Tuskeegee airmen
art/practice of pursuing dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping
art/practice of pursuing dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stoppign
years of bad Camp Lejeune drinkign water
chemicals in Vietnam
Agent Orange
scandal/corruption charges attempting to sell Obama’s seat
Rod Blagojevich
Rod Blagojevich
fraud for fillig Obama’s open seat
Sydney Blumenthal
Senior Advisor to Clinton. confidant to Hillary. employd at Clinton foundation
- correspondent for New Yorker and was a regular columnist of The Guardian plus Vanity Fair and WAPO
- wrote multivolume biographis on Lincoln
freedom of information act
year Noriega was caught
Yogi Berra
one of the greatest catchers in hx
18/19 yrs for Yankees
- won 10 world series as a player. most of any
- later manager/coach
special force teams
army ranger
green beret
tempoary fix
“public affair” in latin
political power rests with the public through representatives they elect
Powell Doctrine
Gen Colin Powell in 1990-91 Gulf War
- set of principl
be harmonious or consistent with
national funding for government programs whose economic/service benefits are concentrated in a particular area but whose costs are spread among all taxpayers
- government funds/jobs/favors distributed by politicans to gain political advantage
difficult to understand mysterious
Robert Gates
SecDef from 2006-2011
“it’s not what happens to you but how you react that matters”
low spirits from loss of hope or courage
sound goats make
Bataan Death March
forcible march of 75K Filippino/US POW to Camp O’Donnell in 1942 after the battle of bataan
- 65 miles total
- up to 18K Fillippino and 650 Americans died
- severe physical abuse and wanton killings. anyone who fell or was caught on the ground was shot
- Japanese leaders were executed for this b/c war crimes
US Army testing range in NM
White Sands Missile Range
alternative name for okra
lady’s fingers
plant that lives mroe than two yaers
plant that lives/dies in one season
pate a choux
pastry made with butter, water, flower, and eggs
- no raising agent. uses it’s high moisture content to create steam. as teh water in teh dough evaporates, the dough puffs
- used in eclairs, cream [puffs, churros, funnel cakes…
glazed chocolate and creame topping
emulsion between melted chocolate and a water based ingredient like milk or cream
chocolate preparation made of equal parts by weaight cream and chocolate
panna cotta
Italian dessert of sweetened cream thickened with gelatin and molded. cirular. sugar is dissolve dint ehwarm cream
think sauce made from pureed or strained fruit/veggies.
winter ski cap/robber
Camp Leatherneck
MC base in Helmad Province Afghanistan
- conjoined w/Camp baston. the main Brit miltiary base ande Camp Shorabak which was the Afgh section
governmetn whose corrupt leaders use political power to extract wealth from the people they govern
rule by the richest
rule by the few
in-group favoritism where the spoils system practice of awarded advantages/jobs to friends/trusted.
positions are given b/c earned
pyrrhic defeat theory
idea that those with the power to change a system benefit from the way it currently works
cadmean victory
victory involving one’s own ruin
victory involving one’s own ruin
Cadmean victory
concise memorable expression of a general truth or principle
simple traditional saying that expresses a perceived truth based on common sense or experience
fundamental trhuth or prpositoin that serves as the foundation for a system of beliefs, behavior, or chain of reasoning
what is canola oil made from
rapeseed oil
influence peddling
using one’s influence in gov or connections with authorities to obtain favors/preferential treatment in return for a payment
act of selling church offices and roles or sacred things
act of selling church offices
proposal (intervention) that mixes an offer with a threat which willbe carried out if the offer is not accepted
- combo reward and punishment to induce a desired behavior
where is Panama City
Bay in the Philippeans
Subic bay
can’t be broken down any mroe
can’t be broken down any mroe
what happens at absolute zero
no molecular mvement
freezing/boiling Kelvin points for water
freezing - 273
boiling -373
absolute zero scales
Kelvin and Rankine
tempterature that is symbolized by R
- an absolute zero scale
calculate Rankine
R = F +460
energy can neither be created nor destroyed
law of the conservation fo energy
gives you potential energy
potential energy is r/t position
givesy ou kinetic energy
kinetic energy is r/t motion
light bending in water
makes objects appear closer than normal
underwater objects and size
underwater objects appear 30x larger than they really are b/c refraction
- explaisn why grasping objects udner water can be difficult. so divers must rain/learn to compensate for misinterprations of size, distance, shape caused by refraction
light scatter under water
light scatter uner water puts light into areas that otherwise would be in shadows or have no illumination
- but also reduces contrast so
order that colors are filtered out under water as depth increases…
sound traveling underwater
but the diver can’t always tell the direction. dangerous if they need to locate someithing coming like a boat
anti-submarine sonar equipment and divers
shattering capability of a high explosive determined mainly by its detonation pressure
seabeds and effect of underwater explosions
soft seabeds dampens shock/pressure
hard seabeds amplify
energy of molecular modlecules
direct contactconve
heaters fluid transfer energyhea
type of heat transfer that is of concern to divers
pressure that makes objects float
red buoyancy
Archimedes principle
buoyancy of a submerged body can be established by subtracting weight of hte sumerged body fromt eh displaced liquid
- if the total water displaced > weight of sumergend bdo7y
what does buoyancy of an object depend on
the density ofthe substance
lung filling and buoyancy
fill lungs displaces a greater volume of water so more buoyant
nitrogen n
frm the anesthestic effect of N2 breathed under prssure
- loss of judgemnt and orientation
1 atm = mmhg
760mm hg
pressure gradient
indicates teh rate at which gas enters/leaves a solution
giving up nitrogen as prssure decreases when resuffacing
slanted stage
verticle plane of space in a theatre
proscenium arch on top
wrote ‘The Cherry Orchard”
Checkov in 1904
plot of “The Cherry Orchard”
aristocratic Russian landowner returns to her family estate just before it is auctioned to pay the mortage. she allows the sale to the son of a former serf and the family leavs tho the sound of the cherry orchard being cut down
- themes: cultural futility (of the aristocary to maitnain its status and bourgoise to find meaning in new foudn materialism.) dramatizes the socioeconomical forces in Russia at the turn of the 20th century including rising of the middle class after serfdom is abolished and decline of the aristocracy power
main theme of “The Cherry Orchard”
Checkov 1905. the effect societal change has on people
- serfs emancipated and one cuts down the cherry orchard at teh end of the play when he buys the home of the aoistocracy
voiced Princess Tiana
Anika Noni Rose
voiced Snow White
Adriana caselotti
voiced Cinderella
Illene Woods
voiced Sleeping Beauty
Mary Costa
voiced Ariel
Jodi benson
voiced Princess Jasmine
Linda Larkin
voiced Aladdin
Scott Weinger
voiced Pocohontas
Irene Bedard
sung by Judy Kuhn
voiced Mulan
Ming-Na Wen
voiced Merida
Kelly McDonald
voiced Rapunzel
Mandy Moore
voiced Moana
Auli’i Cravalho
voiced Raya and the Last Dragon
Kelly Marien Tran
work by Hal Prince
West Side story, cabaret, sweeny todd, phantom, fiddler, company-
21 Tony Awards (8directing, 8 producing best musical, 3 special awards)
Pacific Overtures
music/lyrics by Stephen Songheim
- one of hte least performed SS musicals
- 19th c. Japanese westernization starting in 1853 when American ships forced it open. told from POV of Japnese and two friends caught up in it
- not performed often b/c needs lots of Asian men. most female roles are played by men, like in Kabuki theatre
lovers in the Trojan War
Paris and Helen
Italian renaissance theatre
commedia del arte
where is the Sonora Desert
Mexico/SW US
desert in Mexico/SW US
Sonora Desert
micellar water
gentle skin care product that helps remove impurities
- made mostly of water so high profite margin for sellers
- contains very mild dilute surfactant in solutoin
how to get lepto
urine of animals
disease that passes in urine of animals
malaria that can have s/s onset of up to 6 months later
1/3 of vivax has onset of over 6 months later